Member of the Academy of Athens. Emeritus Professor of Crop Production, Agricultural University of Athens (A.U.A.) Former Rector and Vice-Rector of the A.U.A. Head of the Department of Crop Science and Chairman of the Faculty of Crop Science, A.U.A. Director of the Laboratory of Agronomy of the A.U.A. for more than 28 years. Secretary General at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece (2004-2007). Member and Chairman of the Hellenic Agricultural Academy.
Chair of the Steering Committee of the Education for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Economic Council for Europe (UNECE), elected twice (2005 and 2008) by the Delegates of 58 countries and 10 International Organizations
Author of 8 books and monographs and of more than 100 papers in refereed journals, chapters in collective volumes and encyclopedias, and editor in Conference Proceedings. He is mainly interested in the study of environmental stresses on crop plants with emphasis on the water relations and the drought resistance of crops. Member of the Committee for the Study of the Impacts of Climate Change supported by the Bank of Greece and the Athens Academy and coordinator for the study of the climate change impacts on agriculture. Coordinator of the Agriculture and Food Chain Task Force of the Climate Change Initiative in The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East of the Republic of Cyprus. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Department of Agricultural Development, Democritus University of Thrace.