Dr. Dimitrios Stavridis is an agronomist – entomologist, Ηead of the Department of Plant Protection, Quality and Phytosanitary Control as well as Deputy Director of Agricultural Economy of Larisa Region in the Region of Thessaly. He has worked in research programs at the Department of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and at the Plant Protection Department of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF) in Thessaloniki. He has taught for a number of years in the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), in the Departments of Plant Production of T.E.I. Thessaloniki and Larissa as well as in the Veterinary School of the University of Thessaly. He is the Coordinator of various research programs as well as Groups of scientists on agricultural issues including the Drafting Group of the Integrated Plant Protection Guide for cotton. He has held a large number of lectures at Scientific Meetings, and young farmers and producers trainings. He has a rich written work with publications of numerous research papers and scientific articles in Greek and international journals and has participated with presentations of his scientific works in Greek and International Conferences.
Topic: Plant protection challenges in strategic agricultural crops - Cotton