Ilias Eleftherochorinos is an Emeritus Professor of Weed Science of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), member of the Hellenic Agricultural Academy and member of the Agricultural University of Athens Aministration Council. He was President of the School of Agriculture of AUTH, President of the Hellenic Weed Science Society, member of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute Advisory Board, member of the Scientific Council of the National Agricultural Research Foundation, and member of the Committee of the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food to assess the effects of the Directive 914/414/EEC replacement on the Greek agriculture market placing of plant protection products. His research and writing works include 96 papers published in international scientific journals (Web of Science) and many other papers (>200) published in proceedings of international and Greek conferences. The international recognition of his scientific publications includes 2592 citations (Web of Science) with h-index of 24.