The state of agribusiness redefined on 1st November 2018. Digital farming, synergies & Eco-innovation to the AgriΒusiness Forum 2018


 The state of AgriBusiness redefined on 1st November 2018

Digital farming, synergies and eco-innovation to the AgriΒusiness Forum, Serres-Greece, 1-3 November 2018


Seven top-notch sessions, a masterclass on entrepreneurship, a challenge for innovative scaleups and 50 prominent panelists from Greece, Europe and the US covering institutional, scientific, business, banking and cooperative world spanning across the forthcoming AgriBusiness Forum taking place in Serres-Greece 1-3 November 2018, highlighting the Future of Greek & European Agriculture in the Digital Era.

AgriBusiness Forum integrates partnerships and advances knowledge for the digitization & digital transformation of the agrifood value chain in Greece and beyond. It is addressed to agribusiness leaders, VC investors, agtech innovators, farmers, producers, academia about connecting the dots on sustainable agriculture, digital farming, agri-automation, livestock adaption, food safety, agri-logistics and partnerships.

AgriBusiness Forum agenda is powered by distinguished scientific partners, namely the Ministry of Rural Development & Food, Embassy of the Netherlands, Rutgers and A&M Texas Universities USA, American Farm School, sponsored by National Bank of Greece as strategic partner and co-organized by Geo Routes Cultural Institute, the Regional Unit of Serres and Serres Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

ΑgriBusiness Forum starts with a complimentary Masterclass provided to 10 innovative food & agtech scaleups in cooperation with the Embassy of The Netherlands about improving their business value proposition and optimizing their competences to the distribution of products or services. On November 1st at Serres Chamber of Commerce, forum delegates will enjoy the Innovation Challenge at which best scaleup will be offered free course at Wageningen University & Research campus and along with next two scaleups will be panelists to the forum.

On November 2nd & 3rd at Elpida Resort & Spa, AgriBusiness Forum 7 interactive sessions will focus on Smart Plant Farming, Smart Livestock Farming, Partnerships in business and science, Agri-Distribution Logistics, Financial Instruments and the Common Agricultural Policy in Greece and the EU post 2020. Programme will be concluded with a Field Visit at Nigrita geothermal zone to provide knowledge for plant cultivation opportunities.

AgriBusiness confirmed speakers including Mr.Haniotis Director Economic Analysis at European Commission, Dr.Kasimis Sec.General at Ministry Rural Development & Food, Mr.Veldkamp Ambassador of the Netherlands, Mr.Wilms Director Brabant (LIB)-ZLTO farmers organization Netherlands, Mr.Batu Sec.General Turkish Business Confederation, Ms.Arambatzi Head Rural Development & Food at New Democracy party, Mr.Apostolopoulos Managing Authority for Rural DVP Programme, Banks Executives: Ms.Tzakou GM Retail Banking at National Bank of Greece, Mr.Dimitrakopoulos Regional Mandate Manager EIF, Ms.Vrachnou Principal Banker EBRD, Mr.Haniotakis Director Agricultural Operations Piraeus Bank, Mr.Theodorou Head strategy & analysis SMEs Division at Eurobank, Ms.Karathanassi Ass.Manager SMEs Division Alpha Bank, Rutgers New Jersey University representatives: Dr.Marxen Ass.Director Research Analytics, Dr.Oudemans Professor Plant Biology & Pathology and Ms.Lazaridou GM Rutgers Programme Greece, Hellenic Universities Professors: Dr.Mattas Agricultural Policy, Dr.Vlachos Logistics-Supply Chain Management and Dr.Arsenos Veterinary Medicine from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dr.Kizos Rural Geography at University of Aegean, Dr.Tsaftaris Dean Graduate Studies and Dr.Papadopoulos Strategic Project Management at American Farm School, Dr.Kouretas Biochemistry-Biotechnology at Thessaly University, the Cooperatives: Mr.Kontos President Hellenic Association of Agricultural Cooperative Organizations & Enterprises, Mr.Argyris President Wines of Greece, Mr.Satolias President Hellenic Confederation Agricultural Cooperatives, Mr.Vasilopoulos President Young Farmers Network, Mr.Litos President Farmers of Visaltia, the Chambers representatives: Dr.Mamalis President Geotechnical Chamber, Mr.Meglas President Serres Chamber of Commerce and many more…

AgriBusiness Forum mission is about: a) strengthening knowledge and extroversity to innovative scaleups, b) enhancing issues and promoting innovation and cooperation for the digitization and digital transformation of the agrifood value chain and c) integrating partnerships between businesses, sciences and institutions for the improvement of the agrifood systems in the digital era.

The fertile land of Macedonia especially that of Serres which lies on the crossroads of the Balkans & Black Sea region is a key factor for the accomplishment of the mission of AgriBusiness Forum.

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