Consortium Partners
AgriBusiness Forum and its Consortium Partners foster to improving the innovative and competitive advantage of the Agrifood Systems in Greece and beyond.
Consortium Partners are leading companies seeking to advance the modernization of the agrifood chain ecosystem, furthermore supporting innovative scaleups towards reaching higher growth potential in the agribusiness environment.
Consortium Partners maybe members to the Advisory Board and gaining full priority to the Corporate Scaleups Engagement Program.
Corporate Scaleups Engagement Program provides following:
- One to One meetings between consortium partners and the scaleups
- Influence on agrifood future making
- Access to innovative brains of entrepreneurs
- Insights to a new era of agtech ideas
- Explore on new business opportunities
- Obtain data relevant to corporate interests
- Competitive advantage to the agrifood industry
- Intellectual property rights information
- Positioning to the Hellenic Challenge competition