About AgriBusiness Forum 2018
AgriBusiness Forum 2018 takes place in Serres-Greece 2 & 3 November 2018, highlighting the Future of Greek & European Agriculture in the Digital Era.
A number of prominent speakers from Greece, Europe and beyond will focus on the digitization and digital transformation including, smart plant farming, smart livestock farming, Agri distribution Logistics, smart greenhouses, private-public partnerships, circular economy, financial instruments for smart agribusiness and the Common Agricultural Policy in Greece and the European Union 2020 onwards.
Meet, interact and exchange knowledge with leading businesses, agtech innovators, farmers, producers and academia and obtain insights for the Agrifood value chain in Greece and beyond.

Dr. Charalambos Kasimis
Secretary General of Agricultural Policy & Management of European Funds, Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Mr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos
Regional Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund (EIF)
Dr. Eleftherios Iakovou
Director of Manufacturing & Logistics Innovation Initiatives, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Mr. Tassos Haniotis
Director, Strategy, Simplification & Policy Analysis, Directorate General for Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission

Thursday, November 1st 2018
The Challenge
Challenge is a pitching event for the food & agtech scaleups being participants to the Masterclass, providing a reward to Top 3 of them being panelists to the conference. The event aims at bringing to light innovative ideas and value propositions, where agribusiness leaders should consider advancing progress in the agrifood value chain.
Delegates arrivals | Serres Chamber of Commerce
Your conference badge or a valid registration pass to the forum, or a personal invitation by Serres Chamber of Commerce or the Regional Unit of Serres should be presented at the entrance.
AgriFood Scaleups Innovation Challenge
Serres Chamber of Commerce, Christides conference hall
Networking dinner
Delegates only. A badge or a valid registration pass should be presented at the entrance.
Friday, November 2nd 2018
The AgriBusiness Forum:
1½ day conference enhancing issues for the digitization and digital transformation of the Agri & Food value chain and providing insights for the agri-sectoral policies in Greece and the EU.
Years’ headline: The Future of Greek & European Agriculture in the Digital Era
Registrations | Elpida Resort & Spa
Welcome Notes
Mr. Giannis Balakakis
Chair Organizing Committee
Mr. Yiannis Moisiadis
Vice-Chair Organizing Committee
Session 1 | Common Agricultural Policy in Greece and the EU post 2020
Ms. Jessie Voumvaki
Mr. Tassos Haniotis
Dr. Charalambos Kasimis
Ms. Fotini Arampatzi
Dr. Athanasios Kizos
Μr. Evangelos Argyris
Mr. Stergios Litos
Session 2 | Financial Instruments for smart agribusiness in Greece
Mr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos
Mr. Ioannis Chaniotakis
Mr. Panos Theodorou
Ms. Maria Karathanassi
Mr. Neoklis Stamkos
Mr. Christoforos Chatzopoulos
Lunch Break
Session 3 | New Technologies & AgriDistribution Logistics
Ambassador Caspar Veldkamp
Dr. Dimitrios Vlachos
Mr. Lucas Marxen
Mr. Alexandros Kouris
Secretary General, Elladika mas
Session 4 | Smart Plant Farming
Dr. Peter Oudemans
Mr. Geert Wilms
Agriculture Innovation Brabant (LIB), Netherlands. A PPP for sustainable development in agriculture through experience, best practices and expertise
Dr. Athanasios Tsaftaris
Mr. Aristodimos Zamidis
Dr. Thanos Balafoutis
Session 5 | Smart Livestock Farming
Dr. Demetrios Kouretas
Dr. Georgios Arsenos
Dr. Anagnostis Argiriou
Networking cocktail reception
Saturday, November 3rd 2018
Welcome Notes
Ms. Siwarde J. SAP
Sr. Economic Policy Advisor, Embassy of the Netherlands
Mr. Christos Meglas
Session 6 | Business Impact HUB
Purpose of this panel is about providing information on offer vs demand and strengthening dialogue for up scaled synergies at corporate level. Businesses executives and two Principal Bankers (NBG & EBRD) exchanging views on prospects and opportunities, as well as the readiness and the facilities these financial institutions can hold at hi-scale projects in the agribusiness sector.
Ms. Jessie Voumvaki
Mr. Geert Wilms
Agriculture Innovation Brabant (LIB), Netherlands. A PPP for sustainable development in agriculture through experience, best practices and expertise
Ms. Augusta A. Vrachnou
Ms. Ioanna Tavanidou
Mr. Nikos Stamou
Mr. Christos Meglas
Session 7 | Scientific Impact HUB
Advancing dialogue towards integrating partnerships and cross-sectoral cooperation in sciences & institutions
Dr. Spyridon Mamalis
Ms. Effie Lazaridou
New Agriculture for a New Generation
Dr. Philip Papadopoulos
Dr. Peter Oudemans
Dr. Håkan Jönsson
Highlights from Sessions
Field visit at Nigrita geothermal zone
A component about expanding knowledge, analyze elements onsite and point-out market opportunities of a specific agricultural project. See and download the detailed program from the menu bar: Media/Media Kit