George N. Skaracis is Professor Emeritus of the Agricultural University of Athens, former Dean of the School of Agriculture, Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Head of the Dpt. of Crop Science, and Head of the Laboratory of Plant Breeding & Biometry at AUA. He organized, taught and continues teaching topics in Plant Breeding, Applied Genomics Experimental Design & Biometry
He earned his MSc in Cytogenetics-Chromosome Engineering and his PhD in Quantitative Genetics-Plant Breeding, both from Colorado State University, while also working as an Associate Research Geneticist at the USDA-ARS, USA, and followed a short postdoctoral program at the universities of Urbana, Illinois and Purdue, Indiana. Prior to his academic carrier, he worked as a Research Agronomist, at Hellenic Sugar Industry S.A. (1976-1978 & 1978-1982), Director of Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, HSI S.A. (1987-2005), Director of Strategic Planning & Development, HSI S.A. (1999-2002).
He has authored (or co-authored) numerous research and technical papers in international and national journals and has authored and/or edited several books/ book chapters. Throughout the years, he has been serving as administrator and consultant in many national and international R&D and Agricultural Policy related Organizations, such as the National Council for Research and Technology, the National Agricultural Research Foundation, the European Plant Science Organization, the International Sugar Beet Research Institute, the Joint Research Center of the EC, the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, etc.