About AgriBusiness Forum 2022

Τhe 5th international AgriBusiness Forum highlighting “Food Safety, Security and Resilience ahead uncertainties”, features high caliber sessions, 32 focal areas and 35 renowned speakers from Greece and abroad. It is held at the European Parliament Office in Greece with the participation of accredited audience from leading businesses, financial services, farmers, cooperatives, policymakers, research and academia. Real-time broadcasting will be available. Conference language is Greek with simultaneous translation to English.


Abstract: Agrifood sector features as a 7.8 trillion USD industry responsible for feeding the planet, employing 30% of the global workforce, using 40% of the earth’s surface as farmlands while generating 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. The rise in the price of agricultural inputs, high energy costs, radical climatic and environmental changes, extreme weather conditions, the risk of stagflation, and plastics pollution at seas which outweigh all aquatic & fish systems, are factors impacting food security that should be taken more as a future constant, rather than something extraordinary. Are we experiencing the beginning of the collapse of the current global food order, or other alternative models can be in sight?


Dr Stathis Klonaris

Professor of Agricultural Economy & Development, Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Kalliopi Chalkou

Group Food Safety & Suppliers Quality Manager, Coca Cola Hellenic

Major General Dimitrios Sideridis

Major General, Commander of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service

Mr. Konstantinos Chatzifotis

Manager European Affairs, Motor-Oil Group


Tuesday, 15 November 2022


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

photoMr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

Chapter 1: Climate change - Health safety

photoProfessor, Petteri Taalas

Secretary-General, WMO
video message

photoMajor General Dimitrios Sideridis

Major General, Commander of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service
The role of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service in the contemporary meteorological support environment and its contribution to dealing with the consequences of climate change

photoDr. Kalliopi Chalkou

Group Food Safety & Suppliers Quality Manager, Coca Cola Hellenic
Ensuring Food safety and Sustainability in a changing world

photoDr. Nikolaos Thomaidis

Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Athens
Emerging risks in the Environment & Food: Fostering sustainable innovation ecosystems

photoDr. Apostolos Koutinas

Ass. Professor, Food Science & Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens



Chapter 2: Energy – Environment

photoDr. Konstantinos Aravossis

Secretary General for Forestry, Ministry of Environment & Energy

photoDr. Phoebe Koundouri

Co-Chair SDSN Europe, Professor Athens University of Economics & Business

photoDr. Nikolas E. Farantouris

Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law

photoMr. Konstantinos Chatzifotis

Manager European Affairs, Motor-Oil Group
The challenge of accelerating the green transition for the energy sector



Chapter 3: Markets response - Supply chains -Sustainability

photoMr. Michalis Katrinis

Head of Parliamentary Group, “PASOK-KINAL’’

photoMr. Georgios Karakatsanis

Natural Resource and Environmental Economist, Evotropia Ecological Finance Architectures
Greenwashing: Global state and Industry 4.0 solutions

photoDr. Dimitrios Vlachos

Professor, Lab Director of Statistics & Quantitative Analysis Methods, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, AUTh
Circular Economy Applications in Agrifood Supply Chains in Greece



Chapter 4: Financial instruments - Risk management

photoDr. George Stylios

Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food

photoMs. Tatiana Giemelou

Head Business Development sector, National Bank of Greece
National Bank of Greece – Financial tools for the agrifood sector

photoMr. Gijs Schilthuis

Head of Unit for Policy Perspectives, European Commission DG-AGRI

photoMr. Evangelos Lytras

Chief Executive Officer, GRP Ventures
The investment criteria of a venture capital in the agrifood sector

Networking reception

Wednesday , 16 November 2022


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

photoMr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

Chapter-5: Policy - Strategies - Resilience

photoMs. Christiana Kalogirou

Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture & Food

photoMr. Robert van Rijssen

Policy Officer, Farm to Fork Unit, DG-Sante, European Commission
Policy, Strategies, Resilience for fair, healthy & environmentally-friendly food systems

photoMr. Pavlos Satolias

President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

photoMr. Alexandros Vassilikos

President, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels



Chapter-6: Primary production (challenges, efficiency, interconnections)

photoMr. Simos Kedikoglou

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Rural Development & Food

photoMr. Christos Yiannakakis

Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

photoDr Stathis Klonaris

Professor of Agricultural Economy & Development, Agricultural University of Athens
Greek Strategic Plan for the new CAP: Challenges and Prospects

photoDr. Theofanis Gemtos

Emeritus Professor, Farm Mechanization, Thessaly University

photoDr. Ilias Kalfas

Project Leader, American Farm School & Coordinator of the InoFA Cluster
Green and digital transformation of Greek agrifood supply chain. The aspect of InoFA cluster



Chapter-7: AgTech - Research - Innovation

photoDr. Athanasios Kyriazis

Secretary General for Research and Innovation

photoDr. Demetrios Kouretas

Professor, Animal Physiology & Toxicology, Thessaly University

photoMr. Geert Wilms

Director, LIB/ZLTO (South Holland Farmers Organization)
R&D & Innovation at the interface of Tech and Agrifood sector

photoDr. George Zalidis

Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., AUTh

photoDr. George N. Skaracis

Professor Emeritus, Agricultural University of Athens
AG systems and technologies: promises and misconceptions



Chapter-8: High-level discussion

photoMr. Nikos Papathanasis

Alternate Minister, Ministry of Development and Investments

photoMs. Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece

Remarks and conclusions

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

photoMr. Anthony D. Papayannides

Journalist, General Manager Economia Group

photoMs. Symela Touchtidou

Journalist, EURONEWS

End of the conference


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European Parliament in Greece

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