DVM (1993), School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Doctoral Thesis, (Animal Husbandry), School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1993-1997).
Ph.D, Behavioural nutrition, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1997-2001).
1988: Under-graduate scholarship (Greek Ministry of Education)
1994: Research studentship (Research Committee, Aristotle University)
1997: Post-graduate fellowship (Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation)
1998: Sir Kenneth Blaxter Award (British Society of Animal Science)
1999: Travel fellowship (The Nutrition Society)
2006: Honorary Lecturer (The University of Liverpool)
2006: European Science Foundation Exploratory workshop award
Foreign Languages: English (fluent), Italian (good command)
Scientific Society Memberships
Hellenic Veterinary Society (HVMS)
Hellenic Veterinary Association (HVA)
Hellenic Geotechnical Chambers (GEOTEE)