Leading Partners
AgriBusiness Forum Leading Partners fostering to improve agrifood systems innovative and competitive in Greece and beyond. It’s all about leading organizations being committed to advance the modernization and the digital transformation of the agrifood value chain and supporting innovative scaleups at reaching promising potentials within the agri and business local, regional and international environment.Leading partners maybe members to the Advisory Board or the Field Experts Committee, whilst they are offered priority to the Corporate Engagement Program.
Here below the Corporate Engagement Program opportunities:
- Key-note address to the conference
- Extensive branding throughout AgriBusiness Forum on/offline materials
- Exhibiting space
- Number of complimentary conference registration fees
- Social media campaigns
- One to One meetings with innovative scaleups
- Influence on agrifood future making AgriBusiness Forum agenda
- Access to innovative brains of entrepreneurs
- Insights to a new era of agtech ideas
- Listening new business opportunities
- Obtain data relevant to corporate interests
- Intellectual property rights information