Christos Megklas was born in 1957 and studied Agriculture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is married and he has a son. Since November 2011 he has been elected President of the Serres Chamber.
On 1974, he has begun his own business, in 1988 he merged 3 companies and established the “Christos Megklas SA”, Fertilizer & Seed Industry, where he is President and Chief Executive Officer. He is also the owner of the Football Team F.C. SERRES
2015-2017: Member of the Board of TIF – HELEXPO S.A.
2016 until today he is Member of the Board of Fertilizer Producers & Merchant Association and Member of the Management Committee of the Agro-Food Partnership of Region of Central Macedonia.
2014 until today he participates in the Chambers European Parliament, in 2012 until today he’s elected Vice-President of the Board of the Macedonian Development Union (ANEM – KEPA, EFEPAE Member – E.F.D., EPAN), President of the Serres Chamber’s Development Company “EPANESER” and Member of the Committee for Strategic Planning of Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development