Ruud Grim is senior advisor and coordinator at Netherlands Space Office. One of his main tasks is to facilitate and stimulate the use of satellite based information services for societal benefit areas, research and commercial businesses. He is currently managing the Geodata for Agriculture and Water Facility (G4AW) in which 25 public private partnerships (>100 involved organizations) in 15 countries are developing advisory and financial services for millions of small holder farmers and pastoralists in Africa and South-East Asia, all demand driven and based on a business and financial model.
He is actively interacting with user communities, (inter)national organizations, Dutch service providers, NGO’s and research institutes. He is steering group member of the Netherlands Cooperation on Water & Climate Services, and advisor to the Geodata for Inclusive Finance & Food Initiative (G4IFF) by the Netherlands Platform for Inclusive Finance.
He is the Netherlands contact point for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and has an advisory position towards to the ESA Programme Board Earth Observation from a user perspective. He further explores G2G, K2K and B2B cooperation in various countries.