Prof. George-John Nychas is a Food Microbiology Professor and the head of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Foods (LMBF) of Agricultural University of Athens, which was established in 1994. From March 2010 till July 2011 was the President of the Greek National Food Authority (EFET – www.efet.gr). He was member of the EFSA – Biohazard group, expert in Predictive modelling / Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) while recently he has joined the ERWG of EFSA. He has coordinated 6 EU projects, 14 Greek and participated in more than 23 EU projects, and 10 concerted Action (his lab was funded with more than 10,0M €). He has published 269 papers (Scopus, with > 13000 citations and h=66), 25 chapters in specialized books and 110 Proceedings of World Conferences with or without judges.
Through these projects, the research team of Professor Nychas has gained valuable experience in the following subjects: i) assessment of food safety and spoilage through microbiological analysis (pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms), ii) physicochemical analysis in combination with statistical methods of multivariate analysis (MCFA, PCA, discrete analysis – discriminant analysis and cluster analysis) and iii) the development of mathematical models for the behavior of microorganisms and their metabolites (eg mycotoxins) in food chain. He has organized> 10 scientific conferences and international conferences. He supervised 23 doctoral theses, 18 postgraduate theses (3 in collaboration with abroad), and so far he has more than> 50 graduate (experimental) studies.
He was a member: (i) of the Group of Biological Hazards in the European Food Safety Authority [May 2003-June 2006] (ii) Member of the External Review Working Group of EFSA (May 2012 – Dec. 2015) and (iii) of the team for informing the European Parliament on food safety issues (1st / 2006 -12nd / 2007). He is: (i) Expert of the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Health (DG SANCO) of the European Union, and (ii) President of the Food Safety Team on the European food4life platform. International recognition: (A) in working groups for shaping or making decisions / work upon invitation, (B) in editorial boards> 7 scientific journals, (C) in international and national scientific associations (member of IAFP, Member of the Hellenic Agricultural Academy), and ( D) he was awarded the 2017 International Leadership Award by the International Association of Food Protection (IAFP).