Matthaia (Martha) Paisiou-Tsikritea MS Agronomist, Graduated from Athens Agricultural University was born and raised in Athens. Wife of Vasilios Paisios, mother of 2 children (Sofia and Emmanuel) and 5 grandchildren. Work Experience: 1971 NCSR Demokritos – fungi physiology. 1972-1974: PHYTOPROTEKT – import/promotion of PPPs 1975 – 1991 HELLAFARM SA PPPs Registration Approvals, technical support/promotion – Exports. 1991-2019 ALFA AGRICULTURALSUPPLIES S.A.: Registration Approvals, Technical Support/Promotion of PPPs / a.is in EU (Dir91/414). 2020-Today MAGMA-AGRO SA: Technical Consultant for Registration Approvals PPPs / Biological Agriculture, IPM, Biostimulants and Low Risk a.is. From 1980s until today: – Member of the TC of the ESYF. – Member of Hellenic Weed Society. – Honorary Award from the Organizing Committee of 7th Panhellenic Plant Protection Conference /2018. -Participation in many Plant Protection Conferences (Greece and abroad) -Participation/ cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Benaki Institute for Regulatory and Legislative decisions related to Plant Protection.