Conference Agenda
Peloponnese AgriFood Systems 4.0
AgriBusiness Peloponnese 2022 takes place on 3-4 June 2022 in Aldemar Olympia Resort, highlighting “Peloponnese AgriFood Systems 4.0”; featuring 7 high caliber sessions, 24 focal areas and 26 speakers. The conference will be held with the physical participation of 200 accredited delegates from leading businesses, financial services, innovative farmers, policy makers, research & academia. Real-time broadcasting will be available.
Friday, 3 June 2022
Welcome remarks
Mr. Giannis Balakakis
Chair, AgriBusiness Forum
Mr. Nektarios Farmakis
Governor, Western Greece Region
Mr. Panayiotis Antonakopoulos
Mayor, Municipality of Pyrgos
Chapter 1:Precision farming, a dynamic process for the future of agriculture
Dr. Spyros Fountas
Resource Management & Agricultural Engineering, Athens Agricultural University
Applications of precision agriculture in the field
Dr. Thomas Bartzanas
Ass. Professor, Lab of Farm Structures Director, Agricultural University of Athens
Environmental sustainability of under cover crops: The role of cutting-edge technologies
Ms. Christina F. Legaki
Country Leader, Corteva Agriscience Hellas
Granular™ Club Application of digital technologies in the primary sector
Mr. Georgios Kokkinos
President of the Agricultural Cooperative NILEUS, Messinia
Precision agriculture in olive growing from the perspective of the farmers
Chapter 2: Innovation, New Technologies, Human Capital
Dr. Christos Dimas
Deputy Minister for Development and Investments in charge of Research & Innovation
Agri and food sector: Priorities and Achievements in Research and Innovation
Mr. Patroklos Georgiadis
Secretary General, Migration Policy, Reception & Asylum
Legal Route of Migration- Advantages for Countries of Origin and Reception
Mr. Christos Yiannakakis
Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
Innovation and new technologies in service of the primary sector
Mr. Christoforos Chatzopoulos
Head of Business Banking & Retail Lending, National Bank of Greece
Lunch Break
Chapter 3: Financial instruments, agri-business assessment
Mr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos
Regional Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund (EIF)
Can financial instruments improve Greek agri-competitiveness?
Ms. Tatiana Giemelou
Head Business Development sector, National Bank of Greece
Mr. Xenophon Kappas
General Director, Captain Vassilis & Carmen Konstantakopoulos Foundation
From risk to opportunity, choosing the right actions
Chapter 4: Energy, environmental protection, risk management
Dr. Konstantinos Baginetas
Secretary General, Agricultural Policy and International Relations, Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Financial Tools for the Green Transition of the Agri-Food Sector, CAP 2023-2027 & RRF
Dr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou
Chair, Environmental Protection Committee, Hellenic Parliament
Mr. Dimitris Lianos
Energy - Environment, Climate Change, Risk Management in the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027
Mr. Theodoros Vassilopoulos
President of the Agricultural Cooperative of Western Greece
Organic farming: protagonist in the rural future
Mr. Nikolaos Doukas
Vice-President, Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization
Agricultural insurance in the new conditions of the climate crisis
Chapter 5: High-level discussion
Dr. Christos Triantopoulos
Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister for State Aid & Natural Disaster Recovery
Mr. Christos Stylianides
Minister for Climate Change & Civil Protection
Networking reception
Saturday, 4 June 2022
Welcome remarks
Mr. Giannis Balakakis
Chair, AgriBusiness Forum
Dr. Panayiotis Dimopoulos
Vice Rector Research & Development, Patras University
Chapter 6: Food processing sector and added-value products
Mr. Pavlos Satolias
President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
Acceleration of productive investments with cooperative direction and high added value
Mr. Nikolaos Doukas
Vice-President ELGA, Founder Hippophae Hellas
Modern business development in the agricultural sector
Mr. Kosta Kanaroglou
Founder, Canna Innov
Ms. Dionysia Brintziki
General Manager, Abelon Brintziki Estate
Cultivating & producing organic wines of zero carbon emissions
Chapter 7: Living labs: a coherent driver for the agri-food and tourism industries
Mr. Geert Wilms
Director, LIB/ZLTO (South Holland Farmers Organization)
Triple Helix in Practice: Collaboration between Academia, Farmers and Government
Dr. Philip Papadopoulos
Director, Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School
Organizing Living Labs in Greece, lessons from successes and failures: The cases of Trilofos and Goumenissa
Mr. Tom Kolokithas
Chief Innovation Officer, DTMH & President, VR & AR Association Greek Chapter
The Metaverse and Agribusiness
Mr. Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos
Assistant Regional Governor, Region of Western Greece
The development of the local agricultural economy through investment in human capital
Remarks and conclusions
Mr. Anthony D. Papayannides
Journalist, General Manager Economia Group
Mr. Giannis Balakakis
Chair, AgriBusiness Forum
Dr. Angeliki Kavga
Ass. Professor, Head of Agricultural Department, University of Patras
Field visit programme(s)
- Forum official language is Greek with simultaneous translation to English
- Agenda is subject to modifications