Born in Volos on 15th April 1962. Married and father of 3 children. Graduated with excellence from the University of Trieste, Italy as DOTTORE IN SCIENZE POLITICHE (INDIRIZZO POLITICO – ECONOMICO). Military service in the island of Chios. The last 25 years owns a food enterprise.
- 2011 – today President of the Chamber of Magnesia
- 2021 President of the Regional Council of Thessalian Chambers
- 2011-2014 Councilor of the enlarged Municipality of Volos
- 2011-2012 Vice President of the Committee for the quality of life in the Municipality of Volos
- 2009-2010 President of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of New Ionia, in Magnesia
- 2007-2008 President of the Child Centre and Family Care Organization of the Municipality of New Ionia, in Magnesia
- 2003-2006 Vice President of the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of New Ionia, in Magnesia
- 2003-2010 Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of New Ionia, in Magnesia
- 1996 Co-Founder of the Group “PROMITHEAS Industrial S.A.” for the constitution of a small and small and medium enterprises’ network (aprox. 150) in the Regions of Thessaly and Macedonia, aiming at achieving better agreements with industries