22ABS22-PELOPONNESE Personal Data Policy

Personal Data Policy

Τα παρακάτω ισχύουν για οποιαδήποτε μορφή του AgriBusiness Forum, είτε σε διαδικτυακή, είτε σε υβριδική, είτε σε δια ζώσης παρακολούθηση του γεγονότος.

Transparency is among AgriBusiness Forum (herein after referred to as ABF) priorities. AgriBusiness Forum herewith wishes to clearly explain on how it collects and processes your personal data about protecting your privacy upon using ABF products, services and website(s).


ABF is to the ownership and jurisdiction of Geo Routes Institute based in Athens-Greece (8 Vasileos Irakliou str. 10682) which only collects, uses, and processes your personal information in accordance with actual data protection legislation. This includes but not limited to, EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and applicable national data protection legislation.


Your personal data are usually obtained directly from you. In this case, you provide your personal data on a voluntary basis. Specific cases of non-disclosure of personal data may affect the ability of ABF to properly provide services, or properly perform contractual obligations. ABF acts on behalf of its subscribers and other clients in the capacity of a data controller.



ABF processes your personal data as needed for the following purposes:

  1. Provision of services, including the delivery of digital content (legal basis: processing all necessary for contractual performance or for the implementation of measures taken before a contract is concluded);
  2. Processing payments, including maintenance of payments, together with payment processors (legal basis: processing necessary for contractual performance);
  3. Marketing activities, including the delivery of personalized content, targeting of advertising or the sending of newsletters (legal basis: legitimate interest);
  4. Determination and enforcement of ABF ‘s legal claims (legal basis: legitimate interest);
  5. Compliance with legislation: If necessary, ABF will ask you for permission to process your personal data.



Using the services provided by ABF may require the following data:

  1. Name, surname, job title, company and industry;
  2. Address, telephone number, mobile number and email;
  3. Payment details (payment card information);
  4. Your preferences and opinions on products and services;
  5. Your browsing activity on our websites.



All data that we receive is obtained directly or indirectly from you when you choose to use our services. This includes the following situations:

  1. When you subscribe to our newsletter;
  2. When you pay for or use our services;
  3. When you register to our events;
  4. When you browse our website;
  5. When you share content from our website; 
  6. When you interact with us via social media platforms.



In order to provide you with the services you request, your personal data may be provided to:

  1. Selected employees of ABF;
  2. Service providers: those ensuring provision of the services provided by ABF, in particular software services providers, marketing providers, customer service providers, and distributors of marketing and other materials such as newsletters, including employees of such entities;
  3. Tax advisors, professional advisors (e.g. auditors, lawyers), including employees of such entities;
  4. Entities providing payment services;
  5. Social media providers – using the services of ABF together with a social network may require ABF to share your personal data with social media providers.



We do not track or collect any sensitive information about you. This includes race, religion, ethnicity and political opinion.



We keep your data for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purposes of processing as defined above; however, this data will be erased, when you stop interacting with ABF (i.e. after delivery of a particular service, unless ABF has a legitimate interest in keeping the personal data longer (for example to protecting ABF’s legal claims). This would be the case if ABF had a legal obligation to keep your data for a longer period of time (eg. applicable accounting rules), or in cases where applicable law obliges us to keep such records for a longer period.



We store electronic and in some cases physical copies of your personal data. In accordance with best practices, we maintain security safeguards that protect your data. We strictly limit who is allowed to access the information and we keep this number to a minimum. In addition, we maintain physical and cyber safeguards, server protection devices and software to minimize possible loss, misuse, or alteration of your data.

Your personal data may be stored and processed in countries where ABF carries out business or where its service providers are located. These countries may apply different privacy rules than the European Union, or the European Economic Area (EEA). In this case(s) ABF puts in place appropriate contractual and other measures to protect your personal data when personal data are transferred to related parties or third parties located in other countries.

In the case of cross-border transmission of data from the EEA to countries where the European Commission recognizes an insufficient level of protection of personal data, the controller ensures that those data recipients are bound by EU standard contractual clauses to protect your personal data.



egarding your data, you have the following rights:

  1. To request access in order to correct or delete your personal data, as well as to restrict its processing; however, your right to delete or restrict processing is applicable only if ABF is not required to process it on another legal basis (i.e. compliance with a legal obligation);
  2. To object to the processing of your personal data processed with a legitimate interest, as well as against processing for marketing purposes.

If you wish to exercise your rights above or have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us by email at abf@geo-routes.com using as subject “inquiry for personal data protection”.


The information that ABF is required to provide to you regarding the processing of your personal data may change over time or become outdated. For this reason, ABF reserves the right to modify and change these conditions at any time. These changes will be reflected in this statement, so you should check here regularly.

AgriBusiness Forum

c/o Geo Routes Institute

Athens, March 15, 2021


Registration Form

    Please complete all fields below in capital letters.
    Registration can be for only 1 person at a time.

    Contact details

    Invoicing Details

    Other details

    Registration Fees

    Please select the registration category your application is made

    Please observe ticking below your acceptance in order your registration to be processed

    1. Prices are expressed in EURO including one meal and the refreshments upon conference breaks, conference material and

    2. Registrations are in electronic format only. No oral, email, phone, fax or other means of registrations are accepted.

    3. Unless organizers’ provide a written acceptance for delegate’s participation to the conference, NO registration is
      considered confirmed.

    4. Upon organizers’ confirmation, delegates should proceed paying the registration fee within 2 working days to the Bank
      Account of the Organizer. Upon expiration of the deadline, registrations are cancelled automatically. Registrants should
      provide the organizers slip of payment transactions.

    5. Due to Covid-19 outbreak, in order participants to access the conference venue may be subject to safety and hygiene

    6. Registrations are not transferable and no refunds for cancelled registrations are accepted.

    7. Students’ reduced fees require a valid academic ID and a student enrolment document. Such documents should be provided
      by email at abf@geo-routes.com

    8. Registrants declared as ‘Farmers, Partnered Organizations and Sponsors’ should consider their contact details are traced
      with the aforementioned bodies or businesses or organizations.

    9. ABF official language is Greek with simultaneous translation in English.

    10. Access to the conference requires a valid e-pass that will be provided to registrant’s email one week prior to the

    11. ABF reserves the right to amend the programme and it is not responsible for cancellations of speakers due private
      reasons or other unforeseen circumstances.

    12. ABF accepts no responsibility for statements made orally or in written material distributed by any of speakers or
      delegates during the conference, nor responsibility for any copying, republication or redistribution of such statements.

    13. Participants accept, consent and authorize the organizers for free photo and/or record shooting (both voice and image)
      throughout the event. Furthermore they agree at personally appearing into this material for further promotional and/or
      scientific reasons for unlimited amount of time.

    AgriBusiness Forum
    c/o Geo Routes Institute


    39 Aristotelous str. Athens 10433 GR


    +30 2102845980

    22ABS22-PELOPONNESE Registration Policy

    Registration Policy

    Γενικοί Όροι συμμετοχής στο συνέδριο:


    Η δήλωση εγγραφής στο συνέδριο, προϋποθέτει την ανεπιφύλακτη αποδοχή των παρακάτω όρων συμμετοχής:


    1. Οι εγγραφές με φυσική παρουσία συμπεριλαμβάνουν την 2ήμερη παρακολούθηση του συνεδρίου, 1 ελαφρύ γεύμα, 5 coffee breaks, cocktail reception, επίσκεψη πεδίου, συνεδριακό υλικό και πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης. Συμπληρωματικά περιλαμβάνουν και -1- διαδικτυακή εγγραφή.  
    2. Οι εγγραφές για διαδικτυακή συμμετοχή συμπεριλαμβάνουν την 2ήμερη παρακολούθηση του συνεδρίου σε πραγματικό χρόνο, ηλεκτρονική αποστολή της ατζέντας, του πιστοποιητικού παρακολούθησης και διαδικτυακή πρόσβαση στο Sponsors online lounge.
    3. Οι εγγραφές με φυσική παρουσία προϋποθέτουν την επιβεβαίωση συμμετοχής εκ μέρους των διοργανωτών. 
    4. Οι εγγραφές γίνονται μόνο ηλεκτρονικά και εξοφλούνται εντός 2 ημερών είτε με πιστωτική κάρτα, είτε στον τραπεζικό λογαριασμό του διοργανωτή. Μετά την παρέλευση του διαστήματος αυτού, κάθε μη εξοφλημένη εγγραφή ακυρώνεται αυτομάτως. 
    5. Οι εγγραφές δεν μεταβιβάζονται, ενώ σε περίπτωση ακύρωσης δεν γίνεται δεκτή η επιστροφή χρημάτων. Στην περίπτωση που δεν επιτραπεί η φυσική συμμετοχή λόγω έκτακτων μέτρων από πλευράς των Αρχών τις ημέρες του συνεδρίου, θα επιστραφεί η χρηματική διαφορά μεταξύ της φυσικής και διαδικτυακής χρέωσης του κόστους του συνεδρίου.
    6. Οι φοιτητές με την εγγραφή τους πρέπει να αποστείλουν την ακαδημαϊκή τους ταυτότητα με e-mail. 
    7. Για την είσοδο στο συνέδριο απαιτείται η επίδειξη πιστοποιητικού εμβολιασμού έναντι Covid-19 και της διαπίστευσης που θα λάβει ο σύνεδρος με email πριν το συνέδριο.
    8. Οι διοργανωτές διατηρούν το δικαίωμα της τροποποίησης του προγράμματος και δεν φέρουν ευθύνη για ακυρώσεις ομιλητών εξαιτίας προσωπικών ή άλλων σοβαρών λόγων.
    9. H διοργάνωση δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη για εισηγήσεις, παρεμβάσεις ή δηλώσεις ομιλητών ή συνέδρων, όπως επίσης για οποιαδήποτε αντιγραφή, δημοσίευση ή αναδιανομή των δηλώσεων αυτών από τρίτους.
    10. Η συμμετοχή στο συνέδριο προϋποθέτει την πλήρη αποδοχή και συναίνεση ότι οι διοργανωτές έχουν το δικαίωμα της ελεύθερης λήψης, προβολής και δημοσίευσης φωτογραφιών, ήχου και βίντεο καθόλη τη διάρκεια των εκδηλώσεων του γεγονότος και για απεριόριστο χρονικό διάστημα από την ολοκλήρωση του.

    22ABS22-PELOPONNESE Scientific Committee

    Scientific Committee

    Δρ. Παναγιώτης Ζουμπουλάκης

    Αν. Καθηγητής, Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος Επιστήμης & Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής

    Δρ. Αγγελική Καυγά

    Αν. Καθηγήτρια, Πρόεδρος Τμήματος Γεωπονίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

    Δρ. Θωμάς Μπαρτζάνας

    Διευθυντής, Τμήμα Αξιοποίησης φυσικών πόρων & γεωργικής μηχανικής, Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

    Δρ. Φίλιππος Παπαδόπουλος

    Διευθυντής Γραφείου Στρατηγικών Προγραμμάτων, Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή