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About AgriBusiness Forum 2020

Since early 2020, dramatic disruptions have been undermining an otherwise promising year in economics, trade and societal well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed severe shortcomings on globalized (agrifood) supply chains raising questions ranging from globalization to security, safety, risk management, and resilience of farm-to-fork food chains. The AgriBusiness Forum 2020 focuses on addressing these pressing challenges for the food sector with a targeted, pragmatic, and forward-thinking manner, under the novel global and national emerging trends and constraints. Amidst the pandemic, the AgriBusiness Forum timely provides an inclusive platform for start shaping robust, comprehensive & coherent strategies towards viable, sustainable, traceable and resilient agrifood systems in Greece and throughout the world.

AgriBusiness Forum 3rd international edition, is held in Athens-Greece on 7 October 2020 highlighting “Food Safety, Security & Resilience: pressing challenges in the COVID-19 era and beyond”; with the physical participation of 30 renowned speakers and limited pre-accredited audience of leading businesses, financial services, innovative farmers joining 5 high caliber and content driven sessions. AgriBusiness Forum 2020 will be also offered in real-time live streaming format.


Mr. Dimitris Skarmoutsos

Executive chef, Natu Restaurant, Kifisia-Athens

Mr. Georges Kremlis

Chair, Espoo Convention Bureau | Advisor to the Prime Minister

Mr. Anthony D. Papayannides

Journalist, General Manager Economia Group

Dr. Evdokia Krystallidou

Deputy Director, Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School


Wednesday, October 7th 2020




Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

President, Geo Routes Cultural Institute
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum

Session 1: Impact on climate change, Environmental sustainability

photoDr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou

Chair, Special Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Protection, Hellenic Parliament
Biodiversity protection and agriculture. EU post-2020 biodiversity strategy

photoMr. Georges Kremlis

Chair, Espoo Convention Bureau | Advisor to the Prime Minister
What benefits may be expected to the agri-food sector from circular economy

photoDr. Charalambos Kasimis

Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
The environment in the new CAP and the Green Deal

photoDr. George Zalidis

Director of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., AUTh, Faculty of Agriculture
Reduced carbon footprint in agriculture

photoMr. Dimitris Skarmoutsos

Executive chef, Natu Restaurant, Kifisia-Athens
Chefs and responsible gastronomy: saving food raw materials, rethinking safety in catering and food waste management

photoMr. Dimitris Michaelides

Journalist, Agronea
Co-Moderator (Session-1)

Session 2: Circular Economy, IoT, Energy, Retailing

photoDr. Philip Papadopoulos

Director, Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School
I.o.T, key integrator across agrifood supply chains and clusters’ remuneration

photoDr. Eleni Maloupa

Director Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources, ELGO Dimitra
Developing farming systems able to generate income and create employment

photoDr. George-John Nychas

Professor of Food Microbiology, Agricultural University of Athens
Digital Technologies to transforming food safety management systems in EU-China

photoMr. Yiannis Georgakellos

Communication & Corporate Affairs Director, Athenian Brewery
Resilience across the value chain & challenges for the future

photoDr Ioannis N. Tzortzis

Legal Counselor, Just Transition Steering Committee, Ministry of Environment & Energy
The Just Transition Development Plan of the lignite areas



Session 3: Financing, Insurance & Services instruments

photoMr. Tassos Haniotis

Director, Strategy, Simplification & Policy Analysis, DG Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission
Green and digital transition of EU agriculture: implications, opportunities and financing needs (online)

photoMr. Geert Wilms

Director, Agricultural Innovation Brabant LIB/ZLTO, South Holland Farmers Organization
Rescuing and recovering farming industry amidst and post-COVID 19. The Netherlands approach

photoMr. Nikolaos Doukas

Vice President, Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization
How ELGA policies and risk management tools address future farming indemnifications

photoMs. Effie Kokoreli

Head of Agricultural and Bank Assurance, INTERAMERICAN SA
Protecting farmers from the unexpected: available tools and services

Lunch Break


Session 4: Security safety and resilience on Agrifood Supply Chains

photoDr. Eleftherios Iakovou

Director of Manufacturing & Logistics Innovation Initiatives, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Food safety technologies for resilient farm-to-fork supply chains: Lessons from a US-Greece collaboration (online)

photoDr. Dimitrios Vlachos

Director, Laboratory of Statistics & Quantitative Analysis Methods, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, AUTh
Food safety technologies for resilient farm-to-fork supply chains: Lessons from a US-Greece collaboration

photoDr. Serko Haroutounian

Chairman, Hellenic Agricultural Organization ELGO Dimitra
What ELGO Dimitra does to address food security in Greece’s agrifood chain

photoMr. Ruud Grim

Senior Advisor, The Netherlands Space Office
Earth observation & big-data analytics to water, energy & food security nexus (online)

photoDr. Panagiotis N. Skandamis

Member of the BIOHAZ panel, European Food Safety Authority
EU policies in biological hazards amidst and post Covid-19

Session 5: Policies for addressing short & midterm agrifood challenges

photoMr. Makis Voridis

Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development & Food
Food security vs food sovereignty: Policies to address short/midterm agrifood challenges

photoMr. Harry Theocharis

Minister of Tourism, Greece
Connecting tourism and agrifood sectors: equation for boosting the identity and economy of Greece

photoMs. Stella Ronner-Grubačić

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece
Strengthening a balanced and resilient agrifood system

photoMs. Alexandra Nikolakopoulou

Head of Unit 'Farm to Fork Strategy', Food Safety Directorate, DG SANTE European Commission
The European Commission strategy to sustainable food systems: an urgent need, an irreversible process

Wrap-up and conclusions


In Cooperation

Official Partners


Scientific Partners

Field Experts
