It’s with pleasure to inform you that effective 15/12/2020 Geo Routes Institute NPO and Gnomon Performance have moved to new premises.
New address is Vasileos Irakliou 8 str. Athens 10682 GR.
This address is also home to AgriBusiness Forum, Balkans & Black Sea Forum, Gnomon Events & Destination Management and G-Live Entertainment.
In a new, modern and fresh environment located next to the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, our team, customers and friends will have the opportunity reaching ultimate results with flair and creativity.
Phone numbers and e-mail accounts remain unchanged (see below).
On this occasion we would like to wish you, your family and your beloved Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Warm regards
Giannis Balakakis
Contact details:
Tel: +30 2102845980 – Fax: + 30 2102845983
E.mails (general comm)
- Gnomon Events | G-Live: email inquiries at
- Geo Routes cultural journeys | Balkans & Black Sea Forum: email inquiries at
- AgriBusiness Forum: email inquiries at