23ABF23 AgriBusiness Forum 2023

About AgriBusiness Forum 2023

The AgriBusiness Forum 6th international edition highlighting “Food & farming systems at a crossroad of green, digital & climate transition” will be held on 28-29 September 2023 in the European Parliament Office in Athens-Greece, featuring 7 high caliber sessions and 35 renowned speakers from Greece & abroad. It is addressed to leading businesses, financial services, farmers, cooperatives, policymakers, research and academia. Real-time broadcasting in Greek with simultaneous translation to/from English will be available.


HE Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece

Dr. Demetrios Kouretas

Professor, Animal Physiology & Toxicology, Thessaly University

Dr. Fotios Tekos

CEO, FoodOxys

Mr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

President, Hellenic Seed Association (SEPY)


Thursday, September 28, 2023


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

Chapter 1: Climate change (consequences, impacts, response policies)

photoProfessor, Petteri Taalas

Secretary-General, WMO
video message

photoHE Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece
The effect of climate change on Agriculture - the case of the Netherlands

photoDr. Andreas J. Karamanos

Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor Emeritus Agricultural University of Athens
Climate change and Greek agriculture. Estimated predictions and adaptation measures

photoMr. Nico Kalinis

Programme Manager, Greece CAP2023-2027, DG-Agri, European Commission
Climate change and the CAP strategic plan

photoMr. Doron Lebovich

Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Athens
Israel: Climate Change, Supply Chains and Collaborative Solutions

photoMr. Andreas Lykourentzos

President, Organisation of Greek Agricultural Insurances
Climate change, Extreme Weather Conditions and the ElGA regulation



Chapter 2: Τhe challenges and contradictions of the new Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027

photoMr. Dionysios Stamenitis

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture & Food
The challenge of the Green Architecture of the New Common Agricultural Policy

photoMr. Filip Busz

Head of Unit CAP Mediterranean, DG-Agri, European Commission
The Challenges of the CAP strategic plan

photoDr. Konstantinos Tsimpoukas

Dean - Professor, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens
Basic income support for sustainability, Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability and Coupled income support

photoDr. George Vlahos

Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
CAP and Environment: The long and tedious (?) integration process

photoMr. Christos Yiannakakis

Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
Coverage loss of income from natural disaster and market conditions

photoMr. George Pontikas

President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)
28/9: Agricultural supplies & New Common Agricultural Policy
29/9: Crop Protection contribution in dealing with climate change and protection of the environment



Chapter 3: Agro-technology, innovation and knowledge transfer

photoProfessor Dan G. Blumberg

Chairman at Israel Space Agency, VP for Regional & Industrial Development at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

photoDr. Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis

Chair, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)
Living Labs for rapid and reliable open innovation

photoDr. Georgios Theodoridis

Professor Analytical Chemistry Aristotle University, Co-founder of ThetaBiomarkers
Biomarker Discovery for health and nutrition. Route for innovative personalised services in wellness, disease, sports

photoDr. Fotios Tekos

CEO, FoodOxys
FoodOxys: An initiative of a University that conquering the markets

Speakers, Sponsors, partners reception cocktail (by invitation only)

Friday, September 29 2023


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

Chapter-4: Agrifood key-factors & financial instruments

photoMr. Dimitris Papagiannidis

Secretary General of European Funds & Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture
New financial tools for the development of the primary sector

photoMs. Areti Roditi

Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund
Supporting investments in agriculture with financial instruments focused on sustainability

photoMr. Dimitrios Mitsopoulos

Business Sales (B2B) Sub-Division Manager – Embedded Banking Sector, National Bank of Greece
National Bank of Greece Financial instruments for the agri-food sector

photoMr. Menelaos Gardikiotis

President, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
The required financial tools for the change of the farming model as requested by the E.U.

photoMr. Moschos Korasidis

Director General, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
Do the financial tools follow the needs of today's agriculture?



Chapter-5: Circular economy in agriculture, in the context of the green deal

Programming partner: EPLO | Circular Economy & Climate Change Institute

photoDr. George Zalidis

Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University
Carbonica Hub of Excellence: Its role in the green and digital transition in agricultural and natural ecosystem management to address climate change

photoMr. Spyros Ignatiadis

Director of Strategy & Development, ids CONSULTING & IDEA group of companies
Circular Economy in Agriculture: The only way to a sustainable future

photoDr. Alexandrina Kostadinova-Slaveva

Chief Assist. Prof. University of Forestry, Sofia-Bulgaria
Composting is the key to the circle economy

photoMr. Alkis Angelos Stavridis

Managing Director, ECHMI S.A.
Circular and carbonless “from farm to fork" agricultural products

photoMr. Yanko Stoyanov

CEO, Interact Energy LLC-Bulgaria
The challenge of governance in the circular transition in cities and regions towards systemic and regenerative resource management and use of waste waters as a resource



Chapter-6: Agricultural inputs & emerging climate/environmental challenges

photoMr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

President, Hellenic Seed Association (SEPY)
The importance of seed / plant reproductive material in addressing the challenges posed by the environment and climate change

photoMr. Alexandros Triantafyllou

President, Hellenic Feed Industry Association (SEVIZ)
The animal feed industry as a driver for the development of low environmental emission livestock farming

photoMr. Dimitris Rousseas

President, Hellenic Fertilizer’s Association (SPEL)
The Role and Contribution of the Crop Nutrition Sector to Climate Change Challenges

photoMr. George Pontikas

President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)
28/9: Agricultural supplies & New Common Agricultural Policy
29/9: Crop Protection contribution in dealing with climate change and protection of the environment

photoMr. Christodoulos Bozatzidis

BoD Member, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (SEAM)
Environmental and financial benefits of agricultural machinery technological evolution



Chapter-7: Moderators’ remarks and conclusions

photoMr. Anthony D. Papayannides


photoDr. Charalambos Kasimis

Professor Emeritus, Dpt. of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens

photoMr. Sotiris Nikas

Athens Bureau Chief, Bloomberg LP

photoMr. George Makris


photoDr. Angeliki Kavga

Ass. Professor, Head of Agricultural Department, University of Patras

photoMr. Ioannis Mardikis

Director, Circular Economy & Climate change Institute (EPLO)

Farewell reception (standing cocktail)

Under the Auspices & in cooperation

Platinum Sponsors



Steering Partners

Scientific Partners



Venue Information


European Parliament in Greece

Travel Information

23ABF23 UN AGENDA 2030

UN Agenda 2030

AgriBusiness Forum promotes the UN 2030 Agenda, being its activities related with the following SDGs


End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


Reduce inequality within and among countries


Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


Take action to combat climate change and its impacts


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

23ABF23 Register

Registration Form

    Please complete all fields below in capital letters.
    Registration can be for only 1 person at a time.

    Contact details

    Invoicing Details

    Other details

    Registration Fees

    Please select the registration category your application is made

    Please observe ticking below your acceptance in order your registration to be processed

    1. Prices are expressed in EURO including one meal and the refreshments upon conference breaks, conference material and

    2. Registrations are in electronic format only. No oral, email, phone, fax or other means of registrations are accepted.

    3. Unless organizers’ provide a written acceptance for delegate’s participation to the conference, NO registration is
      considered confirmed.

    4. Upon organizers’ confirmation, delegates should proceed paying the registration fee within 2 working days to the Bank
      Account of the Organizer. Upon expiration of the deadline, registrations are cancelled automatically. Registrants should
      provide the organizers slip of payment transactions.

    5. Due to Covid-19 outbreak, in order participants to access the conference venue may be subject to safety and hygiene

    6. Registrations are not transferable and no refunds for cancelled registrations are accepted.

    7. Students’ reduced fees require a valid academic ID and a student enrolment document. Such documents should be provided
      by email at abf@geo-routes.com

    8. Registrants declared as ‘Farmers, Partnered Organizations and Sponsors’ should consider their contact details are traced
      with the aforementioned bodies or businesses or organizations.

    9. ABF official language is Greek with simultaneous translation in English.

    10. Access to the conference requires a valid e-pass that will be provided to registrant’s email one week prior to the

    11. ABF reserves the right to amend the programme and it is not responsible for cancellations of speakers due private
      reasons or other unforeseen circumstances.

    12. ABF accepts no responsibility for statements made orally or in written material distributed by any of speakers or
      delegates during the conference, nor responsibility for any copying, republication or redistribution of such statements.

    13. Participants accept, consent and authorize the organizers for free photo and/or record shooting (both voice and image)
      throughout the event. Furthermore they agree at personally appearing into this material for further promotional and/or
      scientific reasons for unlimited amount of time.

    AgriBusiness Forum
    c/o Geo Routes Institute


    39 Aristotelous str. Athens 10433 GR


    +30 2102845980

    23ABF23 Agenda

    Conference Agenda

    Thursday, September 28, 2023


    Welcome remarks

    photoMr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

    Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

    photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

    Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

    Chapter 1: Climate change (consequences, impacts, response policies)

    photoProfessor, Petteri Taalas

    Secretary-General, WMO
    video message

    photoHE Susanna Terstal

    Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece
    The effect of climate change on Agriculture - the case of the Netherlands

    photoDr. Andreas J. Karamanos

    Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor Emeritus Agricultural University of Athens
    Climate change and Greek agriculture. Estimated predictions and adaptation measures

    photoMr. Nico Kalinis

    Programme Manager, Greece CAP2023-2027, DG-Agri, European Commission
    Climate change and the CAP strategic plan

    photoMr. Doron Lebovich

    Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Athens
    Israel: Climate Change, Supply Chains and Collaborative Solutions

    photoMr. Andreas Lykourentzos

    President, Organisation of Greek Agricultural Insurances
    Climate change, Extreme Weather Conditions and the ElGA regulation



    Chapter 2: Τhe challenges and contradictions of the new Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027

    photoMr. Dionysios Stamenitis

    Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture & Food
    The challenge of the Green Architecture of the New Common Agricultural Policy

    photoMr. Filip Busz

    Head of Unit CAP Mediterranean, DG-Agri, European Commission
    The Challenges of the CAP strategic plan

    photoDr. Konstantinos Tsimpoukas

    Dean - Professor, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens
    Basic income support for sustainability, Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability and Coupled income support

    photoDr. George Vlahos

    Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
    CAP and Environment: The long and tedious (?) integration process

    photoMr. Christos Yiannakakis

    Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
    Coverage loss of income from natural disaster and market conditions

    photoMr. George Pontikas

    President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)
    28/9: Agricultural supplies & New Common Agricultural Policy
    29/9: Crop Protection contribution in dealing with climate change and protection of the environment



    Chapter 3: Agro-technology, innovation and knowledge transfer

    photoProfessor Dan G. Blumberg

    Chairman at Israel Space Agency, VP for Regional & Industrial Development at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

    photoDr. Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis

    Chair, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)
    Living Labs for rapid and reliable open innovation

    photoDr. Georgios Theodoridis

    Professor Analytical Chemistry Aristotle University, Co-founder of ThetaBiomarkers
    Biomarker Discovery for health and nutrition. Route for innovative personalised services in wellness, disease, sports

    photoDr. Fotios Tekos

    CEO, FoodOxys
    FoodOxys: An initiative of a University that conquering the markets

    Speakers, Sponsors, partners reception cocktail (by invitation only)

    Friday, September 29 2023


    Welcome remarks

    photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

    Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

    Chapter-4: Agrifood key-factors & financial instruments

    photoMr. Dimitris Papagiannidis

    Secretary General of European Funds & Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture
    New financial tools for the development of the primary sector

    photoMs. Areti Roditi

    Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund
    Supporting investments in agriculture with financial instruments focused on sustainability

    photoMr. Dimitrios Mitsopoulos

    Business Sales (B2B) Sub-Division Manager – Embedded Banking Sector, National Bank of Greece
    National Bank of Greece Financial instruments for the agri-food sector

    photoMr. Menelaos Gardikiotis

    President, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
    The required financial tools for the change of the farming model as requested by the E.U.

    photoMr. Moschos Korasidis

    Director General, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives
    Do the financial tools follow the needs of today's agriculture?



    Chapter-5: Circular economy in agriculture, in the context of the green deal

    Programming partner: EPLO | Circular Economy & Climate Change Institute

    photoDr. George Zalidis

    Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University
    Carbonica Hub of Excellence: Its role in the green and digital transition in agricultural and natural ecosystem management to address climate change

    photoMr. Spyros Ignatiadis

    Director of Strategy & Development, ids CONSULTING & IDEA group of companies
    Circular Economy in Agriculture: The only way to a sustainable future

    photoDr. Alexandrina Kostadinova-Slaveva

    Chief Assist. Prof. University of Forestry, Sofia-Bulgaria
    Composting is the key to the circle economy

    photoMr. Alkis Angelos Stavridis

    Managing Director, ECHMI S.A.
    Circular and carbonless “from farm to fork" agricultural products

    photoMr. Yanko Stoyanov

    CEO, Interact Energy LLC-Bulgaria
    The challenge of governance in the circular transition in cities and regions towards systemic and regenerative resource management and use of waste waters as a resource



    Chapter-6: Agricultural inputs & emerging climate/environmental challenges

    photoMr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

    President, Hellenic Seed Association (SEPY)
    The importance of seed / plant reproductive material in addressing the challenges posed by the environment and climate change

    photoMr. Alexandros Triantafyllou

    President, Hellenic Feed Industry Association (SEVIZ)
    The animal feed industry as a driver for the development of low environmental emission livestock farming

    photoMr. Dimitris Rousseas

    President, Hellenic Fertilizer’s Association (SPEL)
    The Role and Contribution of the Crop Nutrition Sector to Climate Change Challenges

    photoMr. George Pontikas

    President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)
    28/9: Agricultural supplies & New Common Agricultural Policy
    29/9: Crop Protection contribution in dealing with climate change and protection of the environment

    photoMr. Christodoulos Bozatzidis

    BoD Member, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (SEAM)
    Environmental and financial benefits of agricultural machinery technological evolution



    Chapter-7: Moderators’ remarks and conclusions

    photoMr. Anthony D. Papayannides


    photoDr. Charalambos Kasimis

    Professor Emeritus, Dpt. of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens

    photoMr. Sotiris Nikas

    Athens Bureau Chief, Bloomberg LP

    photoMr. George Makris


    photoDr. Angeliki Kavga

    Ass. Professor, Head of Agricultural Department, University of Patras

    photoMr. Ioannis Mardikis

    Director, Circular Economy & Climate change Institute (EPLO)

    Farewell reception (standing cocktail)


    1. Forum official language is Greek with simultaneous translation to English
    2. Agenda is subject to modifications

    23ABF23 Travel Information

    Travel Information

    A. Flying to Athens 

    Athens is accessible with more than 130 countries being gateway to the amazing Greek islands and mainland destinations. The award-winning Athens International Airport (Venizelos International Airport) is located about 20 km (12 miles) east of the city. You may find out more regarding a flight from your destination to Athens below:

    Upon your arrival, you have the three available options to get the city center:

    EXPRESS Bus routes connect directly the Athens International Airport (AIA) with Athens city center. Service is provided on a non-stop basis seven days a week including holidays. Buses depart from the Arrivals Level. BUS tickets are sold at the info/ticket-kiosk (located outside the Arrivals between Exits 4 and 5), or onboard (ask operator) at no extra cost.

    If you select this option you may take Metro Line 3 (Aghia Marina – Douk. Plakentias – Athens International Airport), which connects the Athens airport with the city center. Trains run every 30 minutes, 7 days a week from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. The trip from the Airport to Syntagma station (Athens center) lasts 40 minutes. Metro timetable and tickets here.

    Taxis are available at the designated Taxi waiting area located at Exit 3 of Arrivals Level. A taxi from the airport to the city center costs around €35* from 5:00 a.m. to midnight, and €50* from midnight to 5:00 a.m.

    Note: The charge is determined by the time of arrival at the destination and includes all applicable surcharges and extras. * applicable surcharges included: toll cost, luggage fee, VAT and airport charge.

    B. Transport in the city

    1. In Athens, there is an extensive, low cost public transport network covering the city including bus, underground, trolley, tram and taxi. You can use all means of public transport with the same ticket (not from/to the airport). A single ticket costs €1.40 and is valid for 90 minutes.

    C. Tickets for Public Transport

    Tickets and passes (Ath.ena tickets) for public transport are sold at ticket booths and machines in all Athens Metro and tram stations. There are three types of Ath.ena tickets: a paper ticket, an anonymous card that you can top up, and a personalized card. These tickets can be used on all forms of public transport.

    D. Ticket Prices

    A standard ticket on Athens public transport costs €1.40. Students and senior citizens over 65 are entitled to a reduced fare of €0.60 (student ID and proof of age are required upon ticket control or during purchase). Children up to the age of 6 travel free of charge; ages 7-18 pay €0.60 (proof of age required is required upon ticket control or during purchase).

    Each ticket can be used for 90 minutes on any form of public transport (except services to/from the airport).

    • Day Pass (€4.50) is valid for unlimited travel (except airport services) for 24 hours.
    • 5-Day Ticket (€9) is valid for unlimited travel on all modes of transport (except airport services and bus line Χ80) for 5 days.
    • 3-Day Tourist Ticket (€22) is valid for unlimited travel (including 1 round trip to/from Athens International Airport).

    For more information on prices, visit the Athens Transport website.

    For more information on public transport in Athens, call 11185 or visit www.oasa.gr

    E. Metro

    The fastest means of getting around Athens is the Metro. The Athens Metro system consists of 3 lines and connects to the tram, bus routes and suburban railway. The Metro runs daily from 5 am to midnight. Lines 2 and 3 operate until 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays. At peak hours, trains run approximately every 5-6 minutes however, during the evenings and nights trains run every 10-13 minutes. More at Athens Metro Website

    Line 1 is an overground train (commonly known among Greeks as ESAP) that runs from the northern suburb of Kifissia to the port of Piraeus. It connects to lines 2 and 3 at three stations (Attiki, Omonia and Monastiraki). More at Athens Piraeus Electric Railways Website

    F. Taxis

    Taxis are not expensive (though there is a minimum fare of €3,50 during the day and €5 after 23:00). You can pick them up at taxi ranks, stop them in the street or ask the reception desk to call one for you. The fare is charged per kilometer and per hour, so it is better to make certain that the meter is switched on as soon as you set off. Beat (formerly Taxibeat) is an app-based yellow taxi service which finds your location, gives you choice of taxis and offers the options of paying in cash, by card, or Paypal. Uber is also available in Athens with the UberTaxi product—you can call an Uber via your app and a yellow taxi will pick you up. Radio taxis is another option if you don’t feel like hitting the pavement to hail a cab, or if you want to ask for a specific pick-up time and date.

    G. Visa Information & Requirements

    Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin. Please contact your local Embassy / Consulate for full and official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that apply to you. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa, if required.

    If you are uncertain concerning your Visa Requirements, please visit this online link to check if you are required to obtain a Visa to Greece.

    H. Letter of Invitation
    Individuals need an official Letter of Invitation, it can be requested upon registration to the conference. Such Letter of Invitation will be provided within a week of your request and following to the payment of your registration. The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the Conference organisers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the Conference are the sole responsibility of the attendee.

    It is declared that ABF has no responsibility about prices and schedules of any means of transport.

    23ABF23 Registration Policy

    Registration Policy

    General Conditions of Participation:


    Participation in the AgriBusiness Forum (hereafter ABF) means that the following provisions were read, understood, and accepted prior to registering to the forum:

    1. In-person registrations include 2-days conference attendance, 2-light meals (snacks), 4-coffee breaks, conference material, certification of attendance, and 1-Virtual registration. 
    2. Online registrations include a 2-days conference’s live streaming (real-time), e-conference agenda, e-certification of attendance, and access to the virtual Sponsors’ lounge.
    3. Registrations should be made online through the forum’s designated platform and are subject to the approval of the organizers.
    4. Registrations are not transferable and no refunds for cancelled registrations are accepted. 
    5. Students’ reduced fees require a valid academic ID or a student enrolment document. Documents shall be sent by email at: info@geo-routes.com
    6. Participants can access the forum’s venues upon presentation of the accreditation which will be provided by email prior to the forum
    7. Organizers reserve the right to amend the program and are not responsible for cancellations of speakers due to private reasons or other unforeseen circumstances.
    8. Organizers accept no responsibility for any statement made orally or in written form by any of the speakers, or the delegates during the forum, and for any reproduction, republication or redistribution of these statements.
    9. Participants accept, consent, and authorize the organizers to freely take photos and make video and voice recordings throughout the event. Furthermore, they agree and accept to personally appear into the aforementioned material which can be used for promotional and/or scientific purposes for an unlimited amount of time.


     AgriBusiness Forum

    c/o Geo Routes Institute
