Dear Colleagues & friends
With the hope that most likely you enjoyed the summer holidays and gained power for the remaining 2002, please allow us to inform you on what happened and what is on schedule in the last quarter of 2022.
Upcoming events
A) The 5th International AgriBusiness Forum 2022 (Athens, 15-16/11/2022)
It is held in Athens-Greece highlighting “Food Safety, Security and Resilience ahead uncertainties”; featuring 8 high caliber sessions, 32 focal areas and 35 renowned speakers from Greece & abroad. It will accommodate 300 delegates representing leading businesses, financial services, farmers, cooperatives, policymakers, research and academia. Language is Greek with simultaneous translation to English. Real-time livestreaming will be provided.
Why attend? Agrifood sector, a 7.8 trillion USD industry, employing 30% of the global workforce, being responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, how can feed 9.3 billion people in 2050? How plastics pollution at seas will outweigh all aquatic & fish systems? How the rise in the prices of agricultural inputs, high energy costs, ESGs, radical climatic and environmental changes, extreme weather conditions and the war between Ukraine and Russia will be impacting food security? Are we experiencing the beginning of the collapse of the current global food order?
website: (ABF2022 site coming soon)
B) The 4ο international Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022 (Athens, 5-6/12/2022)
It will be held in Athens under highlighting «The Eurasian nexus post 2022: high-stakes arena in security, trade and investments»; featuring 6 high caliber sessions, 30 focal areas and 33 renowned speakers from Greece & abroad. It will be held in English and will accommodate 300 delegates from leading businesses, policymakers, diplomats, research and academia.
Why attend? BBSF2022 is held at a time of numerous geopolitical, economic and power-shifting challenges that influence the global scene and endanger the social and economic equilibrium of regions. In a world of uncertainty and constant disruption, it the aspires to pave the way for a sincere, coherent and constructive exchange of views and dialogue, needed today more than ever before.
C) The 2nd regional “AgriBusiness Thessaly Forum
As the acclaimed success of AgriBusiness Thessaly 2021 has been disruptive for the interests of some locals in power, they preferred missing the event instead of supporting the conference’s organization being announced 6-months ago. In order to safeguard its leading reputation, AgriBusiness Forum decided to cancel and replace this conference with another which will be announced soon.
Past events
D) 1st regional “AgriBusiness Peloponnese Forum” 3-4/6/2022
AgriBusiness Peloponnese took place in Olympia-Greece (Aldemar Resort) highlighting “Peloponnese AgriFood Systems 4.0”; featuring 7 high caliber sessions, 24 focal areas and 30 speakers. Its steering partners have been the University of Patras, the Region of Western Greece and Pyrgos Municipality.
Explore insights’ here: website, speakers, Recap video, speakers presentations
Thank you for your continuous interest in Geo Routes Institute NPO, planner of special journeys and events of cultural, environmental and educational character under the auspices of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO; and owner of the leading international conferences Balkans & Black Sea Forum and AgriBusiness Forum.