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About AgriBusiness Forum 2020
Since early 2020, dramatic disruptions have been undermining an otherwise promising year in economics, trade and societal well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed severe shortcomings on globalized (agrifood) supply chains raising questions ranging from globalization to security, safety, risk management, and resilience of farm-to-fork food chains. The AgriBusiness Forum 2020 focuses on addressing these pressing challenges for the food sector with a targeted, pragmatic, and forward-thinking manner, under the novel global and national emerging trends and constraints. Amidst the pandemic, the AgriBusiness Forum timely provides an inclusive platform for start shaping robust, comprehensive & coherent strategies towards viable, sustainable, traceable and resilient agrifood systems in Greece and throughout the world.
AgriBusiness Forum 3rd international edition, is held in Athens-Greece on 7 October 2020 highlighting “Food Safety, Security & Resilience: pressing challenges in the COVID-19 era and beyond”; with the physical participation of 30 renowned speakers and limited pre-accredited audience of leading businesses, financial services, innovative farmers joining 5 high caliber and content driven sessions. AgriBusiness Forum 2020 will be also offered in real-time live streaming format.

Ms. Alexandra Nikolakopoulou
Head of Unit 'Farm to Fork Strategy', Food Safety Directorate, DG SANTE European Commission
Dr. Eleftherios Iakovou
Director of Manufacturing & Logistics Innovation Initiatives, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
Mr. Ruud Grim
Senior Advisor, The Netherlands Space Office
Mr. Nikolaos Doukas
Vice President, Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization

Wednesday, October 7th 2020
Welcome remarks
Mr. Giannis Balakakis
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum