ABF18 Speakers Presentations

Conference Speakers Presentations

Presentations have been removed. Should a specific request of your interest, please contact Ms Christina Mangou by email at abf@geo-routes.com

Session 1 | Common Agricultural Policy in Greece and the European Union post 2020

  • Jessie Voumvaki , Deputy Director, Economic Analysis Department, National Bank of Greece
  • Tassos Haniotis, Director, Directorate Economic Analysis, Perspectives & Evaluations, European Commission
  • Charalambos Kasimis, Secretary General, Ministry of Rural Development & Food, Greece
  • Fotini Arambatzi, Head of Rural Development & Food, New Democracy party, Member of the Hellenic Parliament
  • Athanasios Kizos, Professor Rural Geography, University of Aegean

Session 2 | Financial Instruments for smart agribusiness in Greece

  • Christoforos Chatzopoulos, Head of Business Banking & Retail Lending, National Bank of Greece
  • Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos, Regional Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund (EIF)
  • Ioannis Haniotakis, Director of Agricultural Sector Operations Development, Piraeus Bank
  • Panos Theodorou, Head of strategy & analysis sector, Small Business Segment General Division, Eurobank
  • Maria Karathanassi, Assistant Manager, Small Business Banking Division, Alpha Bank
  • Neoklis Stamkos, Head, microStars – microlending

Session 3 | New Technologies, Agri-Distribution Logistics in Greece and beyond

  • Caspar Veldkamp, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Greece
  • Dimitrios Vlachos, Director of the Laboratory of Statistics & Quantitative Analysis Methods, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AUTh
  • Lucas Marxen, Associate Director, Research Analytics Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
  • Alexandros Kouris, Managing Director, Microbrewery of Cyclades at Tinos Island

Session 4 | Smart Plant farming

  • Peter Oudemans, Professor of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
  • Geert Wilms, Director of Agricultural Innovation Brabant (LIB), ZLTO farmers organization Netherlands
  • Thanos Balafoutis , Researcher, Center for Research and Technology Hellas & Institute for Bio-economy and Agri-technology (iBO)
  • Aris Zamidis, CEO, TractorGPS
  • Athanasios Tsaftaris, Academic Dean of Graduate Studies, Perrotis College-American Farm School

Session 5 | Smart Livestock farming

  • Dimitrios Kouretas, Professor, Department of Biochemistry-Biotechnology, University of Thessaly
  • Georgios Arsenos, Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Anagnostis Argyriou, Senior Scientist, Deputy Director Institute of Applied Biosciences – CERTH

Session 6 | Business Impact HUB

  • Jessie Voumvaki, Deputy Director, Economic Analysis Department, National Bank of Greece
  • Geert Wilms, Director of Agricultural Innovation Brabant (LIB), ZLTO Farmers Organization Netherlands
  • Augusta Vrachnou, Principal Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)
  • Ioanna Tavanidou, Manager Banking Medium Companies, National Bank of Greece
  • Christos Meglas, President, Serres Chamber of Commerce
  • Nikos Stamou, Investments Promotion Manager, Enterprise Greece

Session 7 | Scientific Impact HUB

  • Håkan Jönsson, Professor of Food Studies, Lund University Sweden
  • Spyros Mamalis, President, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
  • Effie Lazaridou, Managing Director, Rutgers University Greece
  • Philip Papadopoulos, Director Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School

AgriBusiness Forum 2018

ABF18 Photo Library

Photo Library

AgriBusiness Forum 2018: Speakers

AgriBusiness Forum 2018 : Conference overview

AgriBusiness Forum 2018, Νetworking activities

3/11/2018: Field Visit, Nigrita geothermal zone

1/11/2018: The Challenge Event: Winning Teams

1/11/2018: The Challenge event

1/11/2018: The Challenge event, Teams Presentations

30/10-1/11/2018: The Masterclass

18.07.2018 | Press Conference, Serres

ABF18 Hellenic Challenge Winners

Hellenic Challenge Winners

Here presenting the winners of the Hellenic Challenge 2018 seeking at taking the agri-food and bio-based economy in Greece into the future!

Photo material: at “Media” section | Video material: at scaleups page(s)

ABF18 The Jury

The Jury

The jury listens and observes the pitches of the participants. Afterwards it convenes and announces the top 3 of them, being the winners that will go to the panels of the conference. Jury decisions are made by majority.

The Jury is consisted by the following members:

  1. Governor of Regional Unit of Serres
  2. A University & Research Center
  3. Α Consortium partner
  4. Α Forum representative
  5. A Field Expert

Mr. Yiannis Moisiadis

Governor, Regional Unit of Serres
Vice-Chair Organizing Committee

Ms. Siwarde J. SAP

Vice Chair Steering Committee, Balkans & Black Sea Cooperation Forum
Sr. Economic Policy Advisor, Embassy of the Netherlands

Ms. Effie Lazaridou

Managing Director, Rutgers, Greece
New Agriculture for a New Generation

Mr. Panagiotis Papageorgiou

Head of Strategy development, Business Banking division, National Bank of Greece

Mr. Alexandros Kouris

CEO, Cyclades Microbrewery at Tinos Island
Secretary General, Elladika mas

ABF18 About the Hellenic Challenge

About the Hellenic Challenge

The Challenge is a pitching for the food & agtech scaleups being participants to the Masterclass, aiming at highlighting innovation and business value propositions to the delegates and the audience.

As a pre-opening event to the conference, the Challenge facilitates at bringing scaleups into the radar of decision – and opinion makers in the European and Greek agrifood value chain, moreover promoting top-3 of them being panelists to a session of the AgriBusiness Forum.

Evaluation by a designated jury.

Challenge closes with a networking reception with representatives from public and business sectors, local authorities, corporate, entrepreneurs, experts, academia, interlocutors.

ABF18 Apply to the Masterclass

Apply to the Masterclass

Thank you for your interest to apply to the Masterclass. After having carefully read the criteria explicitly stated to the home page “About the Masterclass” and having accepted the Privacy Policy and the General Terms & Conditions listed here below, you are warmly welcomed to submit your application for participation to the workshop cycle of the event. Please note that applications are assessed and evaluated by an external Selection Committee so that no prior guarantee of participation can be provided to the applicants to the Masterclass. Applications closing date is October 6th 2018.


    Company Information

    Turnover in € (last 3 years)

    Forecast in € (next 3 years)

    Masterclass Applicant Information

    Main Applicant


    2nd Applicant

    Business Profile

    Additional Information

    Practical Information



    Privacy Policy, General Terms & Conditions

    Before submitting your application please read carefully & accept the following terms & conditions for participation. In order your application will be valid, you should need to tick each of the boxes below

    ABF18 Selection Committee

    Selection Committee

    The Selection Committee evaluates, assesses and selects the SMEs to participating to the Masterclass.

    The Committee is consisted by representatives of the following AgriBusiness Forum partners which the decisions are made by majority:
    1. A Business Association or Scientific Organization
    2. American Farm School, Thessaloniki, Greece
    3. An AgriBusiness Forum partner

    Following criteria are considered upon evaluation and selection process of the Committee:

    • Applicant’s core activities should be in the AgriFood value chain-business sectors and be founded less than 6 years ago.
    • Applicants should be a bio-based innovative SME and have a Proof of Principle (tested idea or prototype).
    • Applicants should, be in a good command of English, have strong multidisciplinary team and dedicate 4 days to the Masterclass, the Challenge and the Conference.
    • Applicants have successfully submitted complete applications prior the expiration deadline. Only online applications are accepted.

    Applicants not meeting above criteria are not eligible for participation. Successful applicants will be contacted and informed by the Committee respectively.

    Ms. Beau van Ooijen (MSc)

    Economic and Commercial Affairs Officer, the Netherlands Embassy in Athens

    Dr. Evdokia Krystallidou

    Project Leader, Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School

    Mr. Bart Doorneweert

    Partner, Source Institute