About AgriBusiness Forum 2021

Covid-19 pandemic has revealed severe shortcomings on globalized (agrifood) supply chains raising questions from globalization to security, safety, risk management and resilience of farm-to-fork chains. AgriBusiness Forum 2021 focuses on addressing these challenges, enhancing “green” & “digital” transition, and appraising climate change impact, in line with CAP2021-2027 & EU Recovery Fund strategy. Under the global and national emerging trends & constraints, including the “One Health approach”, AgriBusiness Forum sets an inclusive platform for shaping robust, comprehensive & coherent dialogue towards viable, sustainable, traceable & resilient agrifood systems in Greece and the World.

AgriBusiness Forum 4th international edition is held in Athens-Greece, on 6-7/10/2021, highlighting “Food & Farming systems’ green and digital transition”; spanning across 9 high caliber sessions45 focal areas, and 50 speakers from Greece and the world. The conference will be held with the physical participation of speakers and delegates, representing leading businesses, financial services, innovative farmers, policy makers, research and academia. ABF2021 will be also offered online, with reduced registration fees. 

AgriBusiness Forum is committed to advancing knowledge for the digitization & digital transformation of the agrifood value chain from seed to fork; and pivotal platform at boosting innovation and integrating partnerships towards viable, sustainable, traceable and resilient agrifood systems in Greece and beyond. It spans across number of top-tier networking & learning activities, including conferences, summits, masterclasses and AgriFood Traction Tours in Europe; while maintains cooperation with distinctive national, regional and international bodies & organizations. 


Dr. Dimitris Skuras

Vice Rector of Economics & Planning, Patras University

Dr. Kalliopi Chalkou

Group Food Safety & Suppliers Quality Manager, Coca Cola Hellenic

Mr. Anthony D. Papayannides

Journalist, General Manager Economia Group

Dr. Panagiotis N. Skandamis

Member of the BIOHAZ panel, European Food Safety Authority


Wednesday, October 6th 2021


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair, Geo Routes Institute
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum

photoMr. Nabil Gangi

Dpt. Regional Representative for Europe & Central Asia, FAO United Nations

Chapter-1: The future of agrifood systems in view of the outcomes from the United Nation’s Food Systems Summit 2021

Programming partner: Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

photoMr. Nabil Gangi

Dpt. Regional Representative for Europe & Central Asia, FAO United Nations

photoMr. Tassos Haniotis

Director, Strategy, Simplification & Policy Analysis, DG Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission
CAP's contribution to the shift towards a more sustainable agriculture

photoDr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou

Chair, Environmental Protection Committee, Hellenic Parliament
Environmental protection & Climate adaptation determine present and future generations’ viability

photoDr. Phoebe Koundouri

Co-Chair SDSN Europe, Professor AUEB
The Future Europe Wants: A Green & Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic

photoMs. Christina F. Legaki

Country Leader, Corteva Agriscience Hellas
Helping farmers produce the food society demands



Chapter-2: Enabling Women entrepreneurship in agribusiness to build smart economies

Programming partner: UN WOMEN

photoMs. Alia El-Yassir

UN WOMEN Regional Director, Representative to Turkey; Europe and Central Asia

photoMs. Fatma Dirkes

President, European Banking & Financial Services Training Association
Vice President, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Broad perspective of agriculture finance and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs at the management of risks and costs along the loan cycle

photoMr. Ilia Tamarashvili

Director, RDA, Ministry of Environmental Protection & Agriculture of Georgia
Public programmes supporting women entrepreneurship through both agricultural and non-agricultural initiatives

photoMs. Nardane Kuscu

Founder, Narköy Organic Farm
Green entrepreneurship focusing on the protection of endemic species and fauna

photoMs. Tülin Akın

Tech. Entrepreneur, Founder of Tabit
Innovation for sustainable economic empowerment and social development

photoMs. Marina Tosheska

President, Union of Associations for Rural Development North Macedonia
Digital platforms to assist women entrepreneurs to access markets

Lunch Break


Chapter-3: Food Security & Safety in the digital world: regulation, frauds detection & monitoring tools

photoDr. Nikolaos Thomaidis

Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Athens
Advanced tools for authenticity assessment and fraud detection

photoDr. Antonis Zampelas

President, Hellenic Food Authority - Professor, Human Nutrition AUA
The role of the Hellenic Food Authority in the Promotion of Public Health

photoDr. George Tsangaris

Professor Proteomics Research, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Modern technologies for monitoring emerging risks & epidemiological investigation

photoMr. Haris Linardakis

IBM Cloud Leader, Greece & Cyprus
Build Trust in the Food Ecosystem with Blockchain



Chapter-4: The novel state of CAP 2021-2027 and the “Green Deal”

photoMr. Spilios Livanos

Minister Agriculture, Rural Development & Food, Greece
Key Note

photoMr. Janusz Wojciechowski

EU Commissioner for Agriculture
Key Note

photoMr. Nikos Papathanasis

Alternate Minister, Ministry of Development and Investments
Key Note

photoMr. Hubert Cottogni

Deputy Director, Head of Mandate Management, European Investment Fund
We're the European Insvetment Fund . We make it easier for SMEs and mid-caps to access finance

photoMs. Jessie Voumvaki

Deputy Chief Economist, National Bank of Greece
Greek agri-food sector: Facing a historic opportunity that should not be missed



Chapter-5: Agritourism, Rural development, Mediterranean diet, Local products

photoMs. Christiana Kalogirou

Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture & Food
Agritourism, Mediterranean Diet and Local Development

photoMr. Geert Wilms

Director, Agricultural Innovation Brabant LIB/ZLTO, South Holland Farmers Organization
Multifunctional Agriculture & Farm Services

photoMr. Dimitris Skarmoutsos

Executive chef, Natu Restaurant
The effects of covid on the restaurant supply chain and the new trends

photoDr. Antonia Trichopoulou

President, Hellenic Health Foundation
Professor Emeritus, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine
Mediterranean diet, Traditional Foods and Sustainable Food Systems

photoMr. Alexandros Vassilikos

President, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels
The connection between tourism and the primary sector

Remarks and conclusions

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair, Geo Routes Institute
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum

Networking Reception

Thursday, October 7th 2021


Welcome remarks

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair, Geo Routes Institute
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum

photoMs. Alia El-Yassir

UN WOMEN Regional Director, Representative to Turkey; Europe and Central Asia

Chapter-6: Smart farming, processing & circular economy: Precision agriculture, Α.Ι., sustainable biorefineries

photoDr. George Stylios

Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food

photoDr. Spyros Fountas

Associate Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
New technologies possibilities in agriculture

photoDr. Kalliopi Chalkou

Group Food Safety & Suppliers Quality Manager, Coca Cola Hellenic
Smart Processing engaging on line sensors

photoDr. Apostolos Koutinas

Ass. Professor, Food Science & Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens

photoDr. Philip Papadopoulos

Director, Strategic Project Management Office, American Farm School
Prospects & challenges for the adoption of digital technologies in the Greek agrifood sector: the experience of InoFA



Chapter-7: Financial instruments for efficient & sustainable agribusiness

photoDr. Konstantinos Baginetas

Secretary General, Agricultural Policy and International Relations, Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Financial Tools of the Rural Development Program (Pillar II CAP)

photoMr. Christoforos Chatzopoulos

Head of Business Banking & Retail Lending, National Bank of Greece
Banking tools for agri-food producers

photoDr. Yiannis N. Tzortzis

President, Just Transition Development Plan Legal Experts Committee | PhD Attorney at Law, Regulatory Authority for Energy
Legal framework of the Greek Just Transition Development Plan: An investment bonanza

photoMr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos

Regional Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund
Can financial instruments improve Greek farm competitiveness?



Chapter-8: Agriculture in view of synergies: the Dutch triple helix model


photoMs. Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece

photoMr. Simos Kedikoglou

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Ahead an efficient and profitable agricultural sector

photoDr. Meine Pieter van Dijk

Emeritus Professor of University of Rotterdam, Delft & Maastricht
The CAP in view of Climate Smart Agriculture & Water in NL and Greece

photoMr. Hans Nijhoff

Senior expert agribusiness development, Maastricht School of Management
Building 3H clusters to implement EU-funded agri-programs

photoDr. Eleni Maloupa

Director Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources, ELGO Dimitra
Production technologies for high added value products of Greek varieties



Chapter-9: Ahead climate crisis and net zero emissions adaptation

photoDr. Konstantinos Aravossis

Secretary General Natural Environment & Water, Ministry of Environment & Energy
The challenges of climate crisis to the agricultural sector

photoMr. Kostis Moussouroulis

Chairman of the Steering Committee, Just Transition Development Plan

photoDr. Dimitris Skuras

Vice Rector of Economics & Planning, Patras University
The attainability for zero emissions agriculture by 2050

photoMs. Tatiana Giemelou

Head Business Development sector, National Bank of Greece
The modus operandi for near-future green and sustainable financing

Remarks and conclusions

photoMr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair, Geo Routes Institute
Chair Organizing Committee AgriBusiness Forum

Networking Reception


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Benaki Museum

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