Dr. Dimitrios Stavridis

Dr. Dimitrios Stavridis is an agronomist – entomologist, Ηead of the Department of Plant Protection, Quality and Phytosanitary Control as well as Deputy Director of Agricultural Economy of Larisa Region in the Region of Thessaly. He has worked in research programs at the Department of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and at the Plant Protection Department of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF) in Thessaloniki. He has taught for a number of years in the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), in the Departments of Plant Production of T.E.I. Thessaloniki and Larissa as well as in the Veterinary School of the University of Thessaly. He is the Coordinator of various research programs as well as Groups of scientists on agricultural issues including the Drafting Group of the Integrated Plant Protection Guide for cotton. He has held a large number of lectures at Scientific Meetings, and young farmers and producers trainings. He has a rich written work with publications of numerous research papers and scientific articles in Greek and international journals and has participated with presentations of his scientific works in Greek and International Conferences.

Dr. Georgios Theodoridis

Georgios Theodoridis (1967) is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He studied Chemistry (1990) and received his PhD (1994) in separations sciences from Aristotle University. He worked in the Universities of Pardubice and Leiden, AstraZeneca UK (2006-2007) and IASMA, Edmund Mach Foundation, Trento Italy (2009-2010). His research focuses on the application of LC-MS and GC-MS in metabolite profiling and bioanalysis. He leads the BIOMIC initiative of Aristotle University and FoodOmicsGR National Research Infrastructure. He has co-authored ca. 230 peer-reviewed articles, 20 book chapters and made more than 150 presentations in international meetings. He serves as Editor of J. Chromatography B, and in the editorial board of Metabolites, Open Journal Biochemistry, J. Integrated Omics, and Separations. Recipient of international award and descriptions (power list 2023). Co-founder of ThetaBiomarkers, a spinoff active in the development of cutting-edge bioanalytical solutions in life sciences nutrition and wellness.

Mr. Yanko Stoyanov

Mr. Yanko Stoyanov is currently PhD candidate in Faculty of Geology and Geography at Sofia University. He possess solid experience in preparation, management and implementation of projects financed by EU funds for sustainable strategic investments in green urban environment, including sustainable strategic investments in the ecology sector (waste and circular economy), RES, investments for sustainable urban mobility, measures to promote economic activity, green urban policies. In his interests, the cross –border cooperation, green and advanced technologies, know-how transfer for smart and sustainable investments, promotion and deployment of biotech environmental solutions and start-ups.

INTERACT ENERGY LLC: Consulting and engineering services for development, financing and implementation of investment projects in the field of climate, sustainable energy and air, focused mainly on measures and activities for environmental protection.

Mr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos

Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos is a Mandate Manager with the European Investment Fund (EIF) for the last 7 years where he has been involved with European Structural Funds for Greece and Cyprus, managing funding for projects that help to achieve EU aims. In addition, Alexandros has +20 years of experience on financial banking and planning analysis, annual strategic planning, and business decision support, including maintaining and developing comprehensive modelling tools to facilitate sales forecasting, consolidation & evaluation of domestic and export businesses.

Past employers include ABN Amro Bank in Luxembourg, where he currently resides, Alpha Bank, Hellenic Bank, and Michaniki Group of Companies in Athens, and Schroder Wertheim & Co. in New York City. Alexandros holds a Master’s degree of Business Administration in Finance from the Kogod School of Business, American University of Washington D.C. and a Bachelor degree in Economics from Clark University, Boston area.

Mr. Alkis Angelos Stavridis

Alkis Angelos Stavridis is the Managing Director of ECHMI S.A., an Investment Consultants company since 1995, with previous 5-years’ experience in the food industry. His focus is project management of Urban Rehabilitation public projects as well as funding through EU and Cross Border Initiatives. He managed more than 50 industrial construction projects and submitted some 650 applications for funding in both public and private sectors, in Greece and Balkan countries. He administers Co-financing from European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund, European Investment Bank, Greek Regional Operational Programs and Cross-border Cooperation Initiatives.

Educational background: B.A. in Economics, D.U. in Production Management, Master of Business Administration, Management of  Natural and Technological Disasters, Post Graduate Certificate in Circular Economy

Dr. Alexandrina Kostadinova-Slaveva

Graduated from the University of Forestry, bachelor’s degree in “Ecology”,, master’s degree in “Environmental Restoration and Ecological Monitoring” and has a PhD in Ecology and Ecosystem Protection . I also completed a master’s degree in “Law” at Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”

For over 10 years, I have been teaching at the Department of Ecology, Protection and Restoration of the Environment at the Forestry University. My work is related to teaching students in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in disciplines such as “Solid waste processing technologies”, “Household waste management”, “Fluid purification technologies” and others.

My scientific interests are focused on waste management and water and gas purification. I participate in various research projects, and in recent years the emphasis of my work has been on the circular economy. At the moment, I am participating as a researcher in the Clean&Circle Competence Center, created by a project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0019:„Clean technologies for sustainable environment – water, waste, energy for circular economy“.

Mr. Spyros Ignatiadis

Spyros Ignatiadis works as the Director of Strategy & Development of the ids CONSULTING & IDEA training group of companies. Before that, his career included a series of positions of responsibility in the fields of management, business development and internationalization of businesses. Specifically, he previously held the position of General Manager of the Exporters’ Association – SEVE while the positions of responsibility he held include the companies Organic Electronics Technologies (OET), as Director of Business Development & Marketing, at the same time he collaborated as head of Technology Transfer and Promotion of Research Results of the Nanotechnology Laboratory of AUTh, as well as as Development Consultant of the Hellenic Association of Organic Printed Electronics. Greece – HOPE-A / Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association.

While for fifteen years he held the position of General Manager of the Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece-SEPVE (Thessaloniki) during the period of his work at SEPVE, he effectively helped for the development and consolidation of the association as well as for its international networking through the participation and organization of important European Programs. He also served for a period of six years as a Marketing & Public Relations executive at the Greek software company “Singular”.

His experience is based on a number of companies in matters of strategic development, internationalization and extroversion of businesses and organizations, in areas such as international marketing of the Digital Economy, ICT-Information & Communication Technologies, Supply Chain Science – Logistics, Marketing – Communication & Public Relations.

Dr. George Zalidis

George Zalidis graduated from the Agronomy Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with doctoral studies at the Department of Soil Science and postdoctoral studies in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Department at the State University of Michigan US.

Today, he is the  Director of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and Geographical Information Systems, and member of the Laboratory of Applied Soil Sciences at the Department of Agriculture of the School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is also the  Scientific Coordinator of Interbalkan Environment Center (i-BEC) since 2007.

His research focuses on issues of quality and restoration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the use of Earth observation data (space and terrestrial) in the  Societal Benefit Areas, the OECD indicators of sustainable development and the use of spectral data in the monitoring of agricultural ecosystems and natural terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.



  • Professor of Pollution and Soil Degradation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Land Reclamation Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Laboratory of Applied Soil Science.
  • Director of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture.
  • Member of the Laboratory of Applied Soil Science. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture.
  • Scientific Director, Interbalkan Environment Center (I-BEC)
  • Member, Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA) Council
  • Representative of the Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food at the international Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM) of GEO.

Mr. Doron Lebovich

2023-           Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Athens, Greece

2022-2023 Department of North East Asia, Jerusalem

2019-2022 Culture Attaché, Embassy of Israel to Berlin, Germany

2017-2019 Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Hanoi, Vietnam

2016-2017 Spokesperson, Embassy of Israel in Brasilia, Brazil


Education: 2006-2010 LL.B in Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Mr. Michal Kicinski

Michal Kicinski is Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture at CropLife Europe. Working in CropLife Europe’s office in Brussels since 2015, Michal’s work has focussed on public affairs and sustainability. Before joining CropLife Europe, he was the Head of Office for Polish Agricultural Unions at COPA and COGECA in Brussels. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto and a Master’s Degree from the University of Kent at Brussels.