Dr. Machi Simeonidou

Machi Symeonidou is a Business Development Manager with more than 15 years of experience in business strategy, corporation management and operational improvement under her belt. As an Agroeconomist, passionate about agricultural technologies, in 2016, together with a team of experts she co-founded AgroApps, a company dedicated to the provision of sustainable solutions that help modern farming and agriculture. As an active entrepreneur, Machi has played pivotal roles in founding two companies and leading them to successful exit. Throughout her career, she has overseen diverse projects, managed exceptional teams and established effective networks within the agri-food sector. Always eager to explore innovative ideas, she is equally driven to swiftly transform discussions into tangible, real-world implementations.

Dr. Alex Koutsouris

Prof. Alex Koutsouris is the Head of the Unit of Agricultural Extension, Rural Systems & Rural Sociology, Dept. of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens. Specialist in agricultural extension (interactive innovation (and) communication) and agricultural education/training as well as in sustainable rural development with emphasis on participatory methods. He has been President of the steering committees of IFSA (International Farming Systems Association/ European Group; 2016-2018) and ESEE (European Society/Seminar of Extension Education 2015-2017). Ex Assistant editor (2010-2018) and Co-editor (2018-2021) and currently Member of the Editorial Committee, The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension; invited expert in SWG SCAR-AKIS. He participates/ed in several research and collaboration projects including H2020 projects.

Dr. Ilias Eleftherochorinos

Ilias Eleftherochorinos is an Emeritus Professor of Weed Science of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), member of the Hellenic Agricultural Academy and member of the Agricultural University of Athens Aministration Council. He was President of the School of Agriculture of AUTH, President of the Hellenic Weed Science Society, member of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute Advisory Board, member of the Scientific Council of the National Agricultural Research Foundation, and member of the Committee of the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food to assess the effects of the Directive 914/414/EEC replacement on the Greek agriculture market placing of plant protection products. His research and writing works include 96 papers published in international scientific journals (Web of Science) and many other papers (>200) published in proceedings of international and Greek conferences. The international recognition of his scientific publications includes 2592 citations (Web of Science) with h-index of 24.


Mr. Panayiotis Gouviotis

1999: Graduated from the University of Thessaly, Department of Agriculture, Direction of Plant Production

2000: Msc in Agricultural Engineering Natural Resources Management (University of Thessaly)

Working experience:

2000: Laboratory support technician in the Postgraduate Studies (University of Thessaly)

2001: Cotton Organisation

2002: Prefectural administration of Magnesia

2004-2005: Sales and marketing support (BASF Agrochemical Company)

2007-now: Head Agronomist for Plant Protection at the Agricultural Cooperative of Zagora Pelion and supervisor for the monitoring of the certification procedures of the Cooperative (Global Gap, Agro)

Dr. George Salpingidis

Dr George Salpingidis obtains a bachelor degree in Agriculture from Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and also, he is a PhD holder from Imperial college, university of London. He developed scientific and research works with several sited publications and he has participated in many conferences, congresses and research projects. He is working for the E. Tsantalis s. a. Group as viticultural director. He is a certified agricultural advisor from ELGO DIMITRA. He worked for the ATEI of Thessaloniki as an adjunct professor and he has great experience in adult training and teaching.

Mr. Thanasis Zounos

Thanasis Zounos is an agronomist from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with postgraduate studies in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland on crop protection. He has been working at the Ministry of Rural Development and Food for the last 23 years, 16 of which in the Department of Plant Protection Products while the last 7 in the Department of Plant Protection where he also serves as Head. In the Plant Protection Product department, his main objective was biocidal products. He was the Greek representative in the EU during the discussions on the preparation of the EU regulation 528/2012 concerning biocidal products, a member of the EU Biocidal Products Committee, a national expert, and a member of several working groups on biocides. Since 2017, he has been the Greek national expert in the EU working group for the implementation of Directive 128/2009/EU (SUD) on the Sustainable Use of PPPs and lately member of the Greek delegation in the ongoing discussions held in the Council of the EU for the regulation proposed by the European Commission for the sustainable use of pesticides (SUR). His responsibilities include the implementation of integrated plant protection in Greece, the monitoring of the European indicators of the use of plant protection products HR 1 and 2, the preparation and updating of the guides of integrated plant protection per crop, the provision of knowledge to the farmers in matters of integrated plant protection, the approval of plant protection formulations containing Biological Control Agents (BCAs), the organization and the supervision of the National program for the protection of olive cultivation from the olive fruit fly etc.

Mr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

Thanasis Tsoutsas was born in 1965 in Livadeia, Viotia and is the director of the seed sector of BASF HELLAS AEBE.

He started his career at the Hoechst Company in 1992 as Development Manager for KWS seeds, Nunhems vegetable seeds and Complesal Fertilizers in Northern Greece. In 1995 he became Product Manager of seeds and fertilizers at the successor company of Hoechst, Ag rEvo and later Aventis. After the acquisition of Aventis by Bayer in 2002, he became director of the seed sector of Bayer Hellas until the mid of 2018. From 2018 until today, he is the head of the seed division of BASF HELLAS for Southern Europe, with countries of responsibility Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, and Portugal for the following crops: Cotton, rice, sunflower and rapeseed. He was a member of the Greek organizing committee for the organization in Athens of the ISF (International Seed Federation) congress in May 2013 and served the Greek Seed Trade Association (SEPY) as Treasurer for many years. In the elections of June 2022, he was elected President of the Association. Thanasis Tsoutsas is a graduate of the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a specialization in the field of Crop Science and holds a master’s degree in business administration for Business Executives (MBA for Executive) from the Athens University of Economics. He is married to Katerina Bandi/Professor of French Language and Literature and has two daughters.

Mr. Sotiris Nikas

Sotiris Nikas is the bureau chief in Athens at Bloomberg News, coordinating coverage of Greek and Cypriot politics, economy and business.

Sotiris joined Bloomberg in 2017, after spending more than 15 years as a finance ministry correspondent at Kathimerini, Skai TV station, and To Vima, where he covered the entire saga of the country’s economic implosion. A father of two, Sotiris has studied Economics in Athens.

Dr. Vassilis Kotoulas

Dr. Vassilis Kotoulas is the Head of malting barley contract farming program of Athenian Brewery. He received his BSc in Agronomy from Agricultural University of Athens, in 2002 and his MSc and PhD from Agricultural University of Athens in 2005 and 2010 respectively. He has been involved in numerous EU and national research projects collaborating with both Agricultural University (2005-2013) and Benaki Phytopathological Institute (2011-2012). From 2010 to 2013 he worked as a Trainer at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences.  He is a co-author in many scientific publications in international journals.

Mr. Michalis Kolyvas

Mr. Michalis Kolyvas holds a Degree in Agriculture with a Specialization in Plant Protection from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MBA from the University of Kingston U.K.

In addition, he is a Certified Evaluator (Auditor/Lead Auditor) in quality systems. He acts as an external partner at Certification Bodies in matters of chemical-biological risks, and Integrated Crop Management systems.

He started his professional career in 1988 at the company K+N EFTHYMIADIS, initially in the technical department. From 1995 until 2000 he moved to the daughter company AGROLAB where he worked in the Field Studies Department installing the GEP & GLP systems, and later, in the Soil Laboratory as Head of the department.

In 2000, he rejoined the Technical and Marketing department of K. & N. Efthymiadis for the support and the development of the new products.

Today he holds the position of Plant Protection Manager of the company K. & N. Efthymiadis Single Member S.A.

He speaks English.