(in alphabetical order)

Scientific Committee

Dr. Charalambos Kasimis

Professor Emeritus, Dpt. of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Demetrios Kouretas

Professor, Animal Physiology & Toxicology, Thessaly University

Mr. George Kremlis

BoD member, European Public Law Organization

Mr. George Pontikas

President & CEO, Syngenta Hellas

Dr. Konstantinos Tsimpoukas

Dean - Professor, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens

Ms. Francesca Ydraiou

Director General, Hellenic Crop Protection Association

Dr. George Zalidis

Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University

Field Experts

Ms. Elena Psalti

International Relations, Circular Economy & Climate Change Institute, EPLO

Ms. Fani Sampani

Communications & Events Officer, International Center for Black Sea Studies


Mr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

Mr. Savvas S. Balouktsis

President, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (MIRA)

Professor Dan G. Blumberg

Chairman at Israel Space Agency, VP for Regional & Industrial Development at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Mr. Christodoulos Bozatzidis

BoD Member, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (SEAM)

Mr. Filip Busz

Head of Unit CAP Mediterranean, DG-Agri, European Commission

Mr. Menelaos Gardikiotis

President, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece

Mr. Spyros Ignatiadis

Director of Strategy & Development, ids CONSULTING & IDEA group of companies

Mr. Nico Kalinis

Programme Manager, Greece CAP2023-2027, DG-Agri, European Commission

Dr. Andreas J. Karamanos

Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor Emeritus Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Charalambos Kasimis

Professor Emeritus, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Angeliki Kavga

Ass. Professor, Head of Agricultural Department, University of Patras

Dr. Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis

Chair, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)

Mr. Moschos Korasidis

Director General, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

Dr. Alexandrina Kostadinova-Slaveva

Chief Assist. Prof. University of Forestry, Sofia-Bulgaria

Dr. Demetrios Kouretas

Professor, Animal Physiology & Toxicology, Thessaly University

Mr. George Kremlis

BoD member, European Public Law Organization

Mr. Doron Lebovich

Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Athens

Mr. Andreas Lykourentzos

President, Organisation of Greek Agricultural Insurances

Mr. Ioannis Mardikis

Director, Circular Economy & Climate change Institute (EPLO)

Mr. Dimitrios Mitsopoulos

Business Sales (B2B) Sub-Division Manager – Embedded Banking Sector, National Bank of Greece

Mr. Sotiris Nikas

Athens Bureau Chief, Bloomberg LP

Mr. Dimitris Papagiannidis

Secretary General of European Funds & Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. George Pontikas

President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)

Ms. Areti Roditi

Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund

Mr. Dimitris Rousseas

President, Hellenic Fertilizer’s Association (SPEL)

Mr. Dionysios Stamenitis

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture & Food

Mr. Alkis Angelos Stavridis

Managing Director, ECHMI S.A.

Mr. Yanko Stoyanov

CEO, Interact Energy LLC-Bulgaria

Professor, Petteri Taalas

Secretary-General, WMO

Dr. Fotios Tekos

CEO, FoodOxys

HE Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece

Dr. Georgios Theodoridis

Professor Analytical Chemistry Aristotle University, Co-founder of ThetaBiomarkers

Mr. Alexandros Triantafyllou

President, Hellenic Feed Industry Association (SEVIZ)

Dr. Konstantinos Tsimpoukas

Dean - Professor, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens

Mr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

President, Hellenic Seed Association (SEPY)

Mr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

Dr. George Vlahos

Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens

Mr. Christos Yiannakakis

Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

Dr. George Zalidis

Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University


Speakers 2023 (A-Z)


Mr. Giannis Balakakis

Chair AgriBusiness Forum, President Geo Routes Institute

Mr. Savvas S. Balouktsis

President, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (MIRA)

Professor Dan G. Blumberg

Chairman at Israel Space Agency, VP for Regional & Industrial Development at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Mr. Christodoulos Bozatzidis

BoD Member, Machinery Importers’ Representatives’ Association (SEAM)

Mr. Filip Busz

Head of Unit CAP Mediterranean, DG-Agri, European Commission

Mr. Menelaos Gardikiotis

President, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece

Mr. Spyros Ignatiadis

Director of Strategy & Development, ids CONSULTING & IDEA group of companies

Mr. Nico Kalinis

Programme Manager, Greece CAP2023-2027, DG-Agri, European Commission

Dr. Andreas J. Karamanos

Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor Emeritus Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Charalambos Kasimis

Professor Emeritus, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens

Dr. Angeliki Kavga

Ass. Professor, Head of Agricultural Department, University of Patras

Dr. Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis

Chair, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)

Mr. Moschos Korasidis

Director General, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

Dr. Alexandrina Kostadinova-Slaveva

Chief Assist. Prof. University of Forestry, Sofia-Bulgaria

Dr. Demetrios Kouretas

Professor, Animal Physiology & Toxicology, Thessaly University

Mr. George Kremlis

BoD member, European Public Law Organization

Mr. Doron Lebovich

Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Athens

Mr. Andreas Lykourentzos

President, Organisation of Greek Agricultural Insurances

Mr. Ioannis Mardikis

Director, Circular Economy & Climate change Institute (EPLO)

Mr. Dimitrios Mitsopoulos

Business Sales (B2B) Sub-Division Manager – Embedded Banking Sector, National Bank of Greece

Mr. Sotiris Nikas

Athens Bureau Chief, Bloomberg LP

Mr. Dimitris Papagiannidis

Secretary General of European Funds & Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. George Pontikas

President, Hellenic Crop Protection Association (ESYF)

Ms. Areti Roditi

Mandate Manager, European Investment Fund

Mr. Dimitris Rousseas

President, Hellenic Fertilizer’s Association (SPEL)

Mr. Dionysios Stamenitis

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture & Food

Mr. Alkis Angelos Stavridis

Managing Director, ECHMI S.A.

Mr. Yanko Stoyanov

CEO, Interact Energy LLC-Bulgaria

Professor, Petteri Taalas

Secretary-General, WMO

Dr. Fotios Tekos

CEO, FoodOxys

HE Susanna Terstal

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece

Dr. Georgios Theodoridis

Professor Analytical Chemistry Aristotle University, Co-founder of ThetaBiomarkers

Mr. Alexandros Triantafyllou

President, Hellenic Feed Industry Association (SEVIZ)

Dr. Konstantinos Tsimpoukas

Dean - Professor, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens

Mr. Athanasios Tsoutsas

President, Hellenic Seed Association (SEPY)

Mr. Constantinos Tsoutsoplides

Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece

Dr. George Vlahos

Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens

Mr. Christos Yiannakakis

Vice President, National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

Dr. George Zalidis

Professor, Lab Director of Remote Sensing, Spectroscopy and G.I.S., Aristotle University

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

AgriBusiness Forum offers a flexible sponsorship program comprising numerous opportunities for opening new horizons and enhancing your outreach during its unique conferences & events.

Why sponsor?

  • Speaker / panelist opportunities
  • Interviews to media
  • Private meetings with other speakers / participants
  • Exhibition space
  • Social media campaigns
  • Complimentary invitations or corporate table(s)
  • Extensive branding and corporate outreach
  • New contacts through meaningful networking
  • Preferential insight on agrifood value chain 
  • First class speakers on challenges & opportunities for Greece and beyond
  • “Sharpen the saw”, meet experts and influencers face-to-face
  • Participation in vigorous dialogues and debates

The Organizer

The Organizer

“Geo Routes Institute” is a nonprofit & nongovernmental organization that plans, develops and offers trips and events of cultural, environmental and educational character in Greece and beyond. Geo Routes© highlights the cultural heritage of Greece and facilitates inter-cultural dialogue among people. 

Geo Routes© cultural heritage journeys & events are held under the auspices of the HNC for UNESCO and since 2013 are considered “best practice” in the framework of UNESCO’s program “Culture-Tourism-Development”, focusing on: Agriculture-Gastronomy | Flora-Fauna-Environment | History-Archaeology | Cultural Heritage | Places of Religious Interest | Trekking Trails | Geology-Energy resources.

“Geo Routes Institute” is owner and official organizer of the leading international conferences, the Balkans & Black Sea Forum and the AgriBusiness Forum.

Why Attend

Why Attend

Below some reasons on why joining AgriBusiness Forum:

  • “Sharpen-the-saw” and gain new contacts
  • Boost corporate outreach and networking opportunities
  • Establish connections with leading business- & policy-makers
  • Listen to insights from prominent speakers and influencers
  • Participate in spirited debates and constructive dialogue
  • Gain cross-sectoral knowledge on the agrifood value chain
  • Be part of the leading event on agrotechnology
  • Identify new ideas from innovative scaleups

Why Does Our Work Matter

Why Does Our Work Matter

AgriBusiness Forum bridges sciences, businesses and farmers for tackling agrifood & environmental challenges. Its work matters because it is Credible, Trusted, Relevant, Transparent and Evident in the Farm2Fork and One-health strategies.

ΑgriBusiness Forum:

  • Provides content driven and multidisciplinary agenda
  • Disseminates innovation and digital transformation of the agrifood value chain
  • Hosts first class speakers from education, research, businesses and policy makers
  • Integrates partnerships and cross-sectoral cooperation
  • Connects people through meaningful networking activities
  • Has hi-level audience of businesses, farmers, academia and the public sector
  • Boasts dialogue and debates between panelists and the audience
  • Supports innovative scale-ups at reaching higher growth potentials
  • Adopts high-scaling partnerships and conference proceedings


UN Agenda 2030

AgriBusiness Forum promotes the UN 2030 Agenda, being its activities related with the following SDGs


End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


Reduce inequality within and among countries


Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


Take action to combat climate change and its impacts


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development