Mr. Kosta Kanaroglou

Born in 1974, grew up in Athens and London and speaks fluent English, Spanish, French and Greek. BSc Biology from Brighton University UK and Pharmaceutical Industry MBA at I.E. in Spain. Co-founder and President of the Greek Chapter of Family Business Network (FBN Greece). Since December 2020, he is VP of the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.

Since 1997 has worked in the Pharmaceutical and Health related industry in a variety of roles before joining the family business in 2007 as HR director. He is currently President and CEO of Cana Laboratories, the Greek Pharmaceutical company established in 1928. Additionally to his main occupation at Cana Laboratories, he is involved in several innovative projects such as the development of patented medical devices, cultivation of medicinal cannabis and R&D of single dose cannabinoid products.

Dr. Panayiotis Dimopoulos

I hold a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD on “Flora and Vegetation Ecology of mountain ecosystems”. Faculty member since 2000 and Professor in Botany and Ecology from 2009 to 2016 in the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management and from 2016 onwards in the Department of Biology of the University of Patras. My research interests and key-expertise (1990-2021) lie in: flora and vegetation analysis, conservation and ecology of species and habitats focusing to: inventory, monitoring, assessment and mapping of habitats and ecosystems in protected areas (Greece & Cyprus); biodiversity evaluation and analysis (species and community level); mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services; vegetation and flora databases; Article 17 (Dir. 92/43/EEC) reporting on the conservation status assessment of habitat types (Greece & Cyprus); conservation policy and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Implementation. I have published 136 articles in international scientific journals (1990-2021), I have participated with 110 and 90 oral presentations in International and National Conferences respectively. I have participated as lead researcher and to date have coordinated 40 national and 20 European research projects.

Mr. Christoforos Chatzopoulos

Christoforos Chatzopoulos is head of Retail Loans for consumers and small businesses in the National Bank of Greece. He has been the head of the Mortgage Lending of the National Bank, the head of Consumer Credit of the National Bank, he is the Vice President of the Board of Directors of TIRESIA SA, a member of the Board of Directors of National Leasing and a member of the Board of Directors of National Insurance Brokers SA and was a member of the Board of Directors of EAEDO (Ethnokarta). He has also been the Credit and Recovery Manager at Eurobank, a member of the Boards of Directors of Euroline (Bulgaria), ERS Euroline (Romania) and Euroline (Cyprus) and a member of the Board of Visa (Greece). He was the manager of Statistical Decisions for Greece and the Gulf area. He holds an MSc in Management & Operational Research from Warwick Business School and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Patras.

Mr. Theodoros Vassilopoulos

I completed the Technical Vocational High School of Amaliada, Direction of Crop Production in 1999 After entrance exams I continued as a student and a graduate in the Department of Organic Agriculture of the Higher Technological Educational Institute of Argostoli -Headlinery. I have acquired the Lifelong Education Certificate in Education Farmers to take action in the secondary and tertiary sector of the economy – the Secretariat of the General Secretariat for Standing Education. I completed the first round of communication in English and Italian.

Participation in all conferences of Young Farmers held in Kozani, Drama, Athens, Ancient Olympia, Karditsa, Lamia, Corinth,  Halkidiki, Rhodes, Chania, and Levadia. Participation in seminars for the promotion of organic farming and the development of standard crops; in presentations, workshops, seminars, and conferences in my professional and trade union activity from 2004 until today.

From 2004 until today I have been involved in researching and organizing a organic farming farm with production, processing, standardization and marketing of organic products produced under the Bio Ilis subtle brand in products such as olive oil, citrus, vegetables and olives, soft wheat, wheat Zea, Corinthian raisins, sun -dried tomato etc.

I maintain an organic shop in Amaliada and I am in charge of the Olympic Products Network with producers from all over Ilia. At the same time, I am active as a consultant, technologist agronomist, for the development of organic farming and livestock farming and creating producer groups, improvement plans and young farmers programs.

I was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 16th Panhellenic Congress of NEW FARMERS WITH THE THEME “NEW FARMERS AND ENVIRONMENT” September 3-6, 2009 in the IAA of Ancient Olympia. I was chairman of the Commission for the 1st Festival of NEW FARMERS from the “destruction of the creation” held in Mouria of Ancient Olympia in the summer of 2010.

Former President of the Panhellenic Union of Young Farmers (PENA) from 2013 -2019; elected President from 2005 until today in the Union of NEW FARMERS OF ILIA – ELAIKI LAND; President of the professional agricultural cooperative BIOILIS (from 2007 until today); Former Special Secretary of the Panhellenic Union of Young Farmers (2007-2010); Vice -President of the Association of TECHNOLOGY OF GEOPON GRAMMENTS OF BIOLOGICAL GEORGIA.

2004-2007 Member of the Board of Directors of the Amaliada Athletic Association “KORONIOS”; Member of the Amaliada Shopping Association; Member of the Amaliada Agricultural Association; Member of the N. ELIA Organization Association; Member of the Frankavilas Amaliada Cultural and Landscape Association; Member of the Ilia Citizens Movement; Member of the N. ELIA Potato Producers Association; Member of MODIA Association (Municipal Traditional Song); Municipal Councilor of Elis 2010-2013-Former Local Development Department (Deputy Mayor); Participation and awarding the “Best Young Farmer in Europe” competition where we won the first prize for the year 2016 with my family members; Vice-President of the Association of Agricultural Graduates of Organic Agriculture 2017-2019; Vice -Mayor of Rural Development of Greece; President of the Agricultural Partnership of Greece.

Dr. Philip Papadopoulos

Dr. Philip Papadopoulos holds a PhD from London School of Economics and is currently the Director of the Strategic Project Management Office of the American Farm School (AFS). In this capacity he is responsible for the Agrifood Entrepreneurship Centres run by AFS in the cities of Thessaloniki and Kalamata, and oversees training and consultancy projects in over thirty locations throughout Greece. Building and managing multi-actor alliances between research institutes, civil society institutions and the real economy is one of his core activities.

His fields of interest include Consumer Behavior related to the Mediterranean Diet, Alternative Tourism, Food Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, E-commerce, Organizational Culture & Climate, Leadership and Management, including motivation and performance management.

Mr. Nikolaos Doukas

Nikolaos Doukas was born in Agios Theodoros, Karditsa in 1972. He is married and father of three children. Physics graduate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a holder of a MBA executive from the University of Sheffield. Since 1993 has been an active member in the field of education and in 2003 of the health sector where he has been an executive manager of multinational companies for over 10 years. 

He started his activity in the agricultural sector in 2012. He is the founder of the Hippophaes Hellas Producers Group Company in 2015 which has developed significant international branding. During his career he developed remarkable international activity. In the agricultural sector, managing to consolidate our country as an important and reliable factor of modern and efficient development. 

Since 2019, he is the Vice President of the Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization (ELGA).

Ms. Tatiana Giemelou

Tatiana Giemelou is the head of Business Development at the National Bank of Greece.

Her career is dated back to 2002 at Citibank, holding positions in Credit-cards Management and Alternative Sales Networks.

She then joined Alpha Bank being assigned as Head of International Marketing for Albania, Cyprus, Serbia & Romania, and afterwards as Head of Merchandising.

She holds an MBA from Sunderland University.

Ms. Christina F. Legaki

She was born in Athens in 1960 and she has 4 daughters. She graduated from Arsakeio Psychikon high school and she holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics. She continued with a masters degree (MBA), in USA, from Virginia Darden School of Business.

She has a long professional journey in the area of Business Administration with senior responsibility positions in multinational corporations. Her expertise, lies on management of companies that promote innovation, on all stages of agricultural economy. She is the Country Leader for CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE HELLAS, a leading company in the field of agriculture which came into life out of the mingle of expertise and know how of companies such as DuPont Crop Protection, Pioneer and Dow Chemicals. She is also Business Leader for Israel & Cyprus at CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE and President of the board and CEO of DuPont Hellas S.A.

Her prior management position was President of the board and CEO of PIONEER HI-BRED HELLAS S.A., a multinational seed production and commercial company. Christina Legaki is also shareholder in HELLAFARM S.A., GAIA WINEMAKING S.A., THODORIS PANAS – DANCING SCHOOL OF ATHENS.

She speaks fluently English and French.

Mr. Patroklos Georgiadis

Patroklos Georgiadis was born in 1966. He obtained a BA in Theology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and attended post graduate studies in History (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and in Crisis Management (Harokopio University). He speaks English.

Private Sector Employment

  • From 1993 to 2004, he worked as a Journalist, as a Supplement Editor for “Eleftheros Tipos” newspaper and as an Assistant Producer at “Athens 9,84” radio station.
  • From 2009 to 2010, he worked as Business Director in “MASS A.E” advertising company and as Business Consultant in “COMM GROUP A.E.” public relations company.
  • From 2010 to July 2012 period, he was the Business Development Manager in KPMG Hellas.
  • At the same time, he was an associate/Independent Expert for the European Public Law Organization (E.P.L.O.) and also worked as a Consulting Editor for the “Epikera” magazine in Livanis Publications Co.
  • From March 2015 to July 2019, he worked as an Independent Expert for the European Public Law Organization (E.P.L.O.) and as a Consultant for migration-relevant management issues.

Positions of Public Appointment

From 2004 to 2006, he was appointed Special Secretary in the National Printing Organization.

From 2006 he undertakes duties in the Ministry of Interior as General Secretary in charge of Regional and Local Authorities Organizations, Migration Policy, Citizenship and Social Cohesion Schemes, until September 2009.

From July 2012 until September 2014, he assumed the duties of General Secretary of Civil Protection in the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. During that term, he acted as the Head of the Greek Presidency of E.U (2014) responsible for all issues pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Ministry. He was also in charge of the Migration Policy and the relevant departments and services.

From October 2014 until March 2015, he served as General Secretary in the Ministry of Development and Competition, acting as: a) Representative of the Greek Public Sector in the Board of Directors of ETVA Industrial Zones S.A and of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), b)General Commissioner of Greece in EXPO 2015 International Fair in Milan, Italy and c) Member of the Board for the Hellenic-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Economy.

Since August 1st, 2019, he is serving as General Secretary of Migration Policy, Admission and Asylum in the Ministry of Citizen Protection.

Following the establishment of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in February 2020, he has been in charge of the migration policy as General Secretary.

Dr. Christos Dimas

Dr Christos Dimas is the Deputy Minister for Development and Investments in charge of Research and Innovation. He is a lawyer and Member of the Hellenic Parliament representing New Democracy in the district of Korinthia.

Before entering politics, he worked in the private sector as a business consultant for The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

He was born on the 29th of May 1980. He graduated from the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Queen Mary University in London.

He completed his Master Degree in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He then finished his PhD in European Political Economy from the LSE, with a scholarship from the Alexander Onassis Foundation.

Parallel to his studies, he worked as a correspondent in London for Apogevmatini newspaper while also practicing journalism at the BBC.

At the age of 25 he was a teaching assistant at the LSE while teaching at ICON College in the University of Leicester and was a research fellow at the Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence.

He was elected as an MP in the district of Korinthia, with New Democracy in the May 2012 elections and has been re-elected ever since.

In his spare time he enjoys playing football and basketball and reading history books.

He is married to the lawyer Nicoleta Syrengela and they have one daughter and a son.