Mr. Moschos Korasidis

Moschos Korasidis was born in Kea in 1962. He is an Agronomist graduate of the Athens University of Agriculture, a graduate of PATES-SELETE and holds a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Business Organization & Management (MBA)

He worked as an agronomist from 1986 at the Tobacco Organization and at the Payments Organization – OPEKEPE as Director from 2001 with participation in bilateral missions abroad, in particular at the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels for rural development issues.

From March 2010 to July 2012 he took over as Vice President of OPEKEPE and from July 2012 to March 2015 he was Secretary General of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, where he mainly dealt with issues of rural development, utilization of community aid as well as reorganization of OPEKEPE and Ministry of Rural Development and Food. From 2016 to 2022, he worked as a scientific associate to members of the Greek parliament and dealt with issues of rural development, spatial planning and energy.

From September 2022, he works as the general manager of the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Greece – ETHEAS.

Mr. Menelaos Gardikiotis

Menelaos Gardikiotis is an Agriculture Engineer, graduate of Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Agriculture Biotechnology.

He is working in the private sector and since 2011 he has been running his own business.

Today he participates in three business schemes regarding the concerned industry, providing services in the Agri-Food sector, and has established a network of associates of businesses from Evros to Crete, numbering over 15 business schemes.

He has been an advisor to the Minister of Rural Development and Food with responsibility the preparation of the 2014-2020 RDP, while he was also an associate of Deputy Direct of OGA.He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Organization of the Prefecture Piraeus.He has been Secretary General of GEOT.E.E. for two consecutive terms. He is married to Kyriaki Papadakis and has a daughter.

Mr. Andreas Lykourentzos

Andreas Lykourentzos was born in Tripolis, Arcadia, in 1957. He is a graduate of Panteion University, from the department of Political Studies, having followed the direction of Comparative Political Analysis. He was elected as Member of Parliament for the region of Arcadia in the National Elections in 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2012. During his eleven-year parliamentary term, he participated as a member in the Standing Parliamentary Committees on: Social Affairs, Finances, Educational Affairs, Public Administration and in the Special Committees on: the Environment, the Review of the Constitution and Districts. He served as a Deputy Minister of National Education and Religions during the Government administration of Kostas Karamanlis 2007- 2009. He served as a Minister of Health during the Government administration of Antonis Samaras in 2012- 2013.

From 1st November 2019 since, he has been appointed as the President of the Organisation of Greek Agricultural Insurances.

Dr. Dimitrios Stavridis

Dr. Dimitrios Stavridis is an agronomist – entomologist, Ηead of the Department of Plant Protection, Quality and Phytosanitary Control as well as Deputy Director of Agricultural Economy of Larisa Region in the Region of Thessaly. He has worked in research programs at the Department of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and at the Plant Protection Department of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF) in Thessaloniki. He has taught for a number of years in the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), in the Departments of Plant Production of T.E.I. Thessaloniki and Larissa as well as in the Veterinary School of the University of Thessaly. He is the Coordinator of various research programs as well as Groups of scientists on agricultural issues including the Drafting Group of the Integrated Plant Protection Guide for cotton. He has held a large number of lectures at Scientific Meetings, and young farmers and producers trainings. He has a rich written work with publications of numerous research papers and scientific articles in Greek and international journals and has participated with presentations of his scientific works in Greek and International Conferences.

Mr. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos

Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos is a Mandate Manager with the European Investment Fund (EIF) for the last 7 years where he has been involved with European Structural Funds for Greece and Cyprus, managing funding for projects that help to achieve EU aims. In addition, Alexandros has +20 years of experience on financial banking and planning analysis, annual strategic planning, and business decision support, including maintaining and developing comprehensive modelling tools to facilitate sales forecasting, consolidation & evaluation of domestic and export businesses.

Past employers include ABN Amro Bank in Luxembourg, where he currently resides, Alpha Bank, Hellenic Bank, and Michaniki Group of Companies in Athens, and Schroder Wertheim & Co. in New York City. Alexandros holds a Master’s degree of Business Administration in Finance from the Kogod School of Business, American University of Washington D.C. and a Bachelor degree in Economics from Clark University, Boston area.

Mr. Michal Kicinski

Michal Kicinski is Senior Manager for Sustainable Agriculture at CropLife Europe. Working in CropLife Europe’s office in Brussels since 2015, Michal’s work has focussed on public affairs and sustainability. Before joining CropLife Europe, he was the Head of Office for Polish Agricultural Unions at COPA and COGECA in Brussels. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto and a Master’s Degree from the University of Kent at Brussels.

Mr. Antonis Paraskevopoulos

Responsible for the actual scheduling and forecasting of the needs and transport of the country’s fertilizers to the Fertilizers Corporate Company ( SYNEL ). Responsible for integrated pest management and organic farming. Responsible for the promotion of investment programs with the utilization of renewable energy sources for the development of the dynamic field of greenhouse cultivations. Consultant and Inspector for the Agrocert certification for pest management cultivations in Greece. Science consultant of the European educational program for young professionals (NEΛΕ) in Messenia. Member of the committee for the reforming of the educational program of Kalamata TEI, (Technological Educational Institute). Coordinator of the National Guidelines for the integrated crop management in the greenhouse as well as watermelon cultivations, which were recently uploaded at the site of the Ministry of Hellenic of Rural Development and Food. Director of the Trifylia-based educational program of agriculturists from Cyprus, Mauritius, Poland, West Africa, and Albania, on horticultural plants and plant protection. Tutor and Lecturer of various OGEEKA “DIMITRA” institute educational programs, for agriculturists and farmers around Greece focusing on plant protection, crop fertilization, organic farming, integrated crop management etc.

Participants of various European programs focusing on cultivations of Trifylia area as well as on strategies that take advantage of the new technological advancements and the promotion of precision agriculture. Mr Paraskevopoulo’s impact on the Trifylia area has added high value to its development. Through innovations and initiatives, Mr Paraskevopoulos has created such conditions for the increase of the profit in the area and the improvement of the farmer’s economic status.

Dr. Filitsa Karamaouna

Dr Filitsa Karamaouna is a Research Director in Agricultural Entomology, Head of Laboratory of Efficacy Control of Pesticides at Benaki Phytopathological Institute. She has research experience on biological control and IPM of agricultural insect pests, evaluation of insecticidal effect of botanical substances on insect pests and their adverse effects on non-target (beneficial) insects, and groundcover management to enhance natural enemies of crop pests and pollinators in agroecosystems. She has long work experience in efficacy evaluation of pesticides (mainly insecticides) for registration purposes. She has participated as coordinator, action leader, research fellow in several projects funded by the EU (PRIMA PLANT-B, FP7-COFREE, FP7-PALMPROTECT, LIFE SAGE, LIFE ECOPEST), national (NanoBioEnviro) or private sector (Operation Pollinator). She has published around 35 peer-reviewed articles and 7 book chapters. She is the Chief Editor of Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (, Topic Editor in Insects, Assoc. Editor of International Journal of Pest Management, Review Editor in Frontiers in Bee Science.

Dr. Andreas Panagopoulos

Dr Andreas Panagopoulos is a Hydrogeologist, Research Director at the Soil and Water Resources Institute (SWRI) of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DIMITRA”. His research interests include water resources management, monitoring of their quality and quantity, groundwater flow and pollution transport modelling, synthesis of NEXUS management policies through participatory approaches, hydrogeology, and climate change impacts on groundwater systems. He shares over 25 years of professional experience and has participated in more than 60 national and international R&D projects, mostly as SWRI’s project manager or team leader. He has worked as expert to European and Greek consultants’ consortia for the elaboration of development projects in Greece and Turkey, relating to water resources protection and management in the framework of EU Directives’ implementation. Dr Panagopoulos has been an acting member of the National Water Council and appointed national representative to the EU CIS working group for groundwater. He is the co-founder of Pinios Hydrologic Observatory, which is a member of the International Long Term Ecological Research network (ILTER) and the European Network of Hydrological Observatories (ENOHA).

Mr. Antonis Vezyroglou

Antonios Vezyroglou studied Horticulture at the University of Nottingham (UK), pursued an MSc in Agricultural Economics at Wye College (University of London) and finally got an M.B.A. degree from Imperial College (UK).

Following his studies in the UK he worked for one year at the banking sector in London (Gerrard Investment Management) as an internal auditor, and another two years at a consulting firm in Oxford specializing in agricultural commodities (LMC International) where he worked as an economic analyst.

Returning to Greece he carried out market research in the fresh vegetable sector in Greece and in 2006 he founded together with his father the company “Vezyroglou Farm”. The Company today has vertical production of baby leaves, starting from field production, following to industrial production and reaching the final consumer.